Anyone know much about laser pointers? I had some cheap ones when I was a kid and you couldn't see the beam. You would just see a little dot. I looked on YouTube and there's some crazy green lasers where you can see the whole beam and it burns shit. Thinking of ordering one off amazon
My buddy ordered one from china. It was green and you could see it for miles. Was pretty Trippy shit, shining it at cars and houses. Looking at a charge depending what you shine it at and if you get caught. It's powerful enough to hit an airplane or a helicopter.
dont point at helicopters, they catch you and you gonna be charge with an assault especially the police one you would be fucked
My buddy has a green beam one too. There is absolutely nothing more entertaining while we're drunk around the bonfire, than pointing that thing up into the sky.
Story about laser pointers incoming. Beware of wall of text. o_o So! When my friend and I first started hanging out a few years ago, she always had really random shit in her car that we'd mess around with when we were bored. Anyways, she had this laser pointer she got from her dad that was pretty decent. You could point it across the street and still see the red dot clearly. We were total stoners all summer, and got bored pretty easily because we lived in a town on an island with like 15 miles of road and only 9000 people, so we'd go visit the playgrounds and crap just to mess around. One day we were waiting on a friend of ours to up his stash, and we were pretty baked so we just parked at the nearest playground to chill out. I was digging around in her glove box for our stash and found the laser pointer instead, haha. We were pretty high and I thought it was the coolest thing evuhhh o_o So I messed around with it for a while. There was this kid (about 9-10) in a covered area by himself, and he'd been sitting there for 20 minutes, so we decided to fuck with him by pointing it at the walls, on his hands, etc. I expected him to notice who was doing it pretty quickly, but this kid must've been pretty dumb because he actually CHASED AFTER the laser and tried to trap it for almost an hour. We'd flick it all around and he'd run after it like it was going to lead him to treasure o_o got some pretty great laughs, haha. My dog usually gets bored of laser pointers after like ten minutes, but this kid just did not give up. Eventually we got tired of it and left, but... ever since I've wanted another ^_^ It's too bad the really good ones are kinda expensive.