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Large or small hits?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mr. Jesus, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Hello there Grasscity. I was wondering if it is better to take a few big hits or a bunch of small hits to get the highest. Also which way do you prefer?
  2. If it's too much for your lungs take alot of small hits. If not then just take big hits you'll get higher
  3. depends. most of the time ill take decent sized hits and sometimes ill take big ass hits that ill be able to finish my bowl in no more then 2 or 3 hits. <<<swimmers lungs =]
  4. Whatever works man.

    I always take huge hits.
  5. #5 Mr. Jesus, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Another reason I regret not doing swimming this year lol
  6. Michael Phelps is only an olympic swimmer because he wanted to take gigantic hits...
  7. i take small hits for taste but larger hits just for fun
  8. Small if you want to taste the weed and huge hits if you wanna get fucked up.

    For most drugs, if you take a lot in a very short amount of time, you will get more messed up than if you paced yourself out and took it steady (with same amounts too). But also, the duration of the high is usually shorter if you go big, which is the downside of it.

  9. There, I changed it for ya ;).

  10. hahaha...+rep to you sir for giving me a good laugh...
    as to the op i was wondering the same thing after snapping a .6 the other day wondering if it was a waste or not but i tend to agree that for taaste small is better and better for a lasting high

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