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Landlords and MMJ Patients

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Buzzedupsnowman, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. I spoke with my landlord about becoming an MMJ patient and growing for myself in the house I am renting from her. All she wants is documents and information on the law and what other landlords are doing regarding giving consent to MMJ tenants, she just wants to make sure her ass won't get roasted by either the State or the Federal government if she consents and signs the form allowing me to grow in the hosue I am renting from her.

    Do any of you have any information that could help me out with this? So far it seems like the Feds are only going for dispensories and large collectives leasing land, and I haven't heard much about what happens to the landlords.

    If it's too much, I'll just tell her I'll find a caregiver (though I would prefer to grow them myself).
  2. Best source of such info really, is to call your local LEO offices. Don't bother to call the can guess what bullsheeeet they will spout off.

    If local LEO is ok with a legal patient growing on rental property, then IMHO your landlord will be at ease.
  3. #3 Meursault, Aug 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2011
    It's basically the same as with anyone else. Technically she could get screwed by the feds. Obviously, the chances of this happening if you're just growing for personal use are almost zero and the fact that she's just a landlord leasing to you means that she'd probably be fine even if you did somehow get raided.

    With that said, there are always firsts and there is a legal construct already in place just waiting to fuck you over once those gears-of-conviction start rolling. So, is she taking a risk, on some level? Probablyyyyyy. Will it ever really matter? Almost certainly not.

    But, make no mistake, the feds will charge you and everyone you know and love if you piss them off. Lately, there have been a lot of raids around here and I've seen people who are completely un-involved with the operation get charged with pretty bullshitty things like money laundering (in this case, unknowingly taking money from someone that happened to be made via weed to pay a PERFECTLY LEGAL debt) or conspiracy. It's not entirely far-fetched that something similar could happen to your landlord.

    But... to waffle one last time....grow only for personal use, keep your mouth shut, and you'll both most likely be fine.
  4. #4 Buzzedupsnowman, Aug 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2011
    Thanks. What exactly does LEO stand for? Law Enforcement ...?

    Also this is what I've been able to find on the issue.

    So what I notice right away is the top two paragraphs; that information regarding patients can only be used by local law enforcement, and that it is government policy not to prosecute individual patients.

    I also notice that most raids and problems surrounding tenants involve dispensaries or large collectives taking place on land leased for businesses rather then residential leases.
  5. A lot of the information I found regarded Colorado, Michigan, and Washington, but I am asking for Montana since this is where I'll be living.
  6. I think what you've found already is pretty much the answer. Unfortunately there isn't a WHOLE lot of information on evictions of MMJ patients, though I can tell you this, in California patients CAN and HAVE been evicted by their landlords, and that anyone who is in HUD housing is at risk for evictions.

    As for the Feds, well, we all know that they will go after whomever they can. A couple of years ago they sent threatening letters to owners of property where MMJ dispensaries were located, but as far as I know they didn't actually make anyone forfeit anything.

    FINALLY: PLEASE do not speculate in the MMJ forums. Unless you have ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE of a matter, don't chime in saying "oh you'll have no problems" or whatever. Incorrect information is worse than no information.

  7. Any response to this post is going to be pure speculation. No one here knows what the feds are up to, or what they will be up to in the future. You can look into state law after state law and be as knowledgeable as possible and it's not going to mean anything to the feds. What few legal protections you have can be, and are being, easily circumvented. That's the bottom-line. No one knows anything but what's been happening recently. Any commentary on the future is speculation. If you don't want that in your forum, then close threads like this. :wave:
  8. First off it's not MY forum it's GrassCity's, I just work here. Secondly that isn't what I mean and you know it.
  9. A ton of solid info. If your landlord however is still skeptical, never forget the power of something in writing. For all intents and purposes in your situation, if you drafted a contract in Microsoft word saying something like:

    if for any reason I, (insert your name), am charged with any crime related to, or as a result of growing marijuana in the residence of (insert address), i, (your name) accept all responsibilities and repercussions that surface.

    By signing below, the undersigned agree that (landlords name), shall not be held accountable for crimes the fulfill the above terms
    Landlord Sig and date with name printed

    Your Sig, date and print.

    That said, I am not a lawyer. Most of my family is and I've had significant experience with contracts. This essentially says if anything happens you and the landlord agree that you and only you will will be held accountable. In court it should be seen as such and it should be honored.

    Now, if you don't want to subject yourself to that risk then that's up to you. But if need be that should suffice for your landlord, assuming her only worry is that she is liable for whatever happens.
  10. Thanks Liner, hadn't even thought of that!
  11. In my opinion if you are involved in any way with MMJ then you should start working on your potential legal defenses immediately. Learn and understand the law. Not just laws regarding MJ but the rules of civil procedure as well. Learn all that you can about local, state and federal laws and read about common and successful defense strategies. Maybe learning a little about international law wouldn't hurt either. Perhaps you'll never represent yourself pro se but at least you'll be informed enough to keep your attorney in check.

    Always remember; if you do get raided there is a good chance that they will take your computers.

    They say that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

    They aren't kidding!!! :eek:

    If a nation expects to be ignorant and free,
    in a state of civilization,
    it expects what never was and never will be.

    -- Thomas Jefferson​

    Pro Se Handbook
    Family Guardian
    Federal Citizen Information Center: Home Page
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    The Cato Institute: Research Areas - Centre for Research on Globalization

  12. #12 Husky42, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2011
    The comment on talking to your local county cops or if in the city city pd is probly spot on.

    While many here may find that type of action weird and even putting yourself in danger I do not.

    I cleared my growing with the local Sherrifs department. Should they ever want a registration list of documented growers I would likely comply... why? Local cops just enforce the law a lot of the time, yea you have your dicks out there but a lot of em, at least around here abide by what they are told to do via state law.

    Growing is not illegal for a patient in this state and as such our local Sherrif even provides safety tips to secure your "op" - I wish we would see more of this, and of course not all pd's are going to be this way. But it is what I did and it worked out in my favor... at least, I think it did haha. Yea the feds can screw me, but I'm so tired of all this crap I honestly just do not care any more, either its gonna happen or it wont happen.
  13. So what do you think about living in a mobile home park?

    If you own the mobile home are you obligated to tell the park landlord that you are growing if he does not enquirer?

    I'm just kind of wondering what you guys think?

    Not that I want to hide anything but I just don't want to alert the media.

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