lamest first 30 minutes spent high

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Jellybean5, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. So it's Saturday night. My boyfriend is out smoking and having a good time and I'm stuck home because I leave for college again tomorrow. So when my gram left to go drink at the bar, I figured now would be a nice time to finish off my headies. So I checked the door, the handle wiggled, and I closed it behind me to smoke. (I almost got caught smoking inside, so I go outside despite the snow.)

    When my bowl was done, I was feeling great. I was going to go inside, play some Zelda, and just chillax. Wrong. The door was locked. It was unlocked only one the INSIDE. And then suddenly, I realized I was fucked. My cellphone is inside. And I gave my key to my mother. So there I was, high as fuck, bowl and lighter in hand, and no one knows I smoke. Immediately, I panicked and ran down the steps and slipped on the ice. (I now have a bruise on my arm, hip, and cut on my knee from this.) Quickly, I burried my piece into the snow (HAHAHAHHAHA YES, I was THAT high!) and ran around trying to find an open window.

    I found an open window in the front of the house, only it took me 20 minutes to open it. The whole time I prayed to God the neighbors wouldn't call the cops and started to come up with an alibi for why I was outside in the first place.

    I eventually opened the window, climbed inside, made sure my muddy boots didn't touch our new white carpet, unlocked the door, undug my piece, and put everything away. By that time, I scared myself almost sober. It took a little while for me to calm down and let my guard down so I could enjoy my high. I did end up playing Zelda, but Gannon kept killing me, so I gave up and played Mario Party instead :)

    so yeah. Now I'm all sore. But they were good headies :) I just started to feel the pain from the fall.
  2. that sucks bro... but than its good
  3. yeah it did get better. the bruises are just setting in though
  4. Buzzkill. At least your piece didn't freeze in the snow and crack.
  5. at least you know how to get back in if it happens again. and it probably won't because now you have learned :) that will teach you to smoke outside in the winter!
  6. And if it counted I would +rep you just for zelda.
  7. thanks :) Yeah... it was a total buzzkill. I think next time I'll just make sure the door is unlocked lol. And I didn't think about my piece freezing :eek:

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