Ok i smoked some weed looked pretty nice tasted good maybe like good mids? well anyway i smoked it had a fair buzz but i smoked 2 bowls not smacked like i thought i was gonna be.. boutt 30 min later i didn't feel good, i didn't give a crap about anything besides myself and i got this headrush even though i didnt sit and then stand i was standing for like 10 min then it appeared out of the middle of nowhere. kk well anyway, i couldnt see like my whole world was black and fuzzy and i went to get a drink and i didn't care about nothing, now can u tell me whatt that was?
Bad weed=bad high (sorry, in my opinion anything that is labeled "mids", or some other term referring to its low quality, is BAD weed.) You were probably also dehydrated. Usually when someone freaks out when they get stoned, its because they're dehydrated and have no clue, and think there's something wrong with them, or their weed. Just carry a bottle of water around with you, especially when your smoking.
Oh i deff have a tolerance, i been smoking for a long time. And no that is not what happens when you get high So bascially your saying when you get high your face and lips turn pale and your whole world gets really fuzzy and ears get reallly muffled. i think not. so can someone with some education tell me what happened?
yeah, i've heard stories of legit laced weed, people going crazy and shit. you were just baked as fuuuuuck
What happened was you probably almost blacked out from your blood-sugar being too low. It can happen when you smoke under the right circumstances, it happened to me one time. I got the black vision, and couldn't quite make out what was 2 feet in front of me (and it definitely had some characteristics of a flashback, so that's why you may have thought your shit was laced).
yeah its most likely laced, sounds like PCP and you could be addicted and might needa find a pcp dealer around it was also laced with black tar heroin too
lmao, and my hands were pretty tingly idk what was up. but idk i totally wasn't baked. for me being baked feels totallly different
oh, yeah...my eyes look like they're open right? yeah i smoked some pot the other day...? and i think it was laced because i ran out and got these tattood onto my eyelids.
everybody always says the same shit..... answer me this... seriously....it may have just been the weed.... but...when you "came to" where you sweating alot? and kinda week for a bit? when you felt it "come over you" was it like it kindda closed in round you? like a hum or vibration all thru your body? maybe an odd taste? maybe not.... see or hear anything odd during this time...on you way out ...so to speak? did it feel like it had all happened before?but you dont know when? almost like a head rush when you stand up to fast ...only it kept going.......got more and more intense till you were out?
i felt really weak i couldn't really walk. i spent my weeed money making on a drink like i didn't even care. and im a girl btw to anybody wanted to know. and yes it got more intense by the second and when i was "coming down" from the head rush high my hands got really tingly. and it felt so fake. the fakest of the fake
It is very rare for dealers to lace their product with more product. They would be losing money.. If you smoke more than your tolerance can handle, your body can have very strange reactions, much like what you described. Also, who did you buy the weed from? Unless if was from the guy in the dark alley.. it probably wasn't laced.
I had that feeling once, it was called holding in a fat blunt hit too long and almost blacking out. After that I was so high all I could really do was sit in a chair and watch tv.