Writing this just so other people don't make the same mistake. I don't know about rest of the world but its becoming quite common around this region (Eastern Europe). Bought some weed from one of my local guys. And it turned out it is laced with something. This is not the first time this has happened, but its my fault because i didn't check it before i bought it. Few symptoms to look out for: 1. Hard ash - when you smoke good stuff ash should be nice and clean and drop down like powder, if its laced stuff it will be hard. 2. Weird taste - don't be afraid to taste your stuff, if it has some sort of weird taste then its probably laced (Stuff i got tastes like battery acid, stings your tong) Anyway this stuff has sweet smoke (kinda nauseating), and unenjoyable high. As far as i know this is only sure way to check your weed, if u know some other good techniques please share (I'v heard of UV lamps, CD tests etc)
Apparently you don`t know what ur talking about (or you misunderstood me). I`m not talking about lacing it with cocaine or heroin or any other drug, but with cheap chemicals to get more weight, more weight == more $ to them. If they make 1g out of 0.5g spending next to nothing : its double profit. And Ammonium nitrate costs like 1-2$ for kg. And this is like 3rd or 4th time i have seen laced weed. How is this waste of money ?
[quote name='"ScrappyDoo"']Drug dealers dont lace weed bro. Its a waste of money.[/quote] I don't think he means with another drug
Man, that sucks dude, that's never happened to me. Closest thing to lacing around here i've heard of is high schoolers selling oregano to 8th graders. But I've only heard that..
This guy that me and a bunch of my buddies used to pick up off of was always like 3 hours late not exaggerating so we stopped picking from him and I guess a bunch of other people did too so he started lacing his weed with coke because like no one was picking up off him so it was his way of saying fuck you. Glad I don't ever pick up from him anymore
[quote name='"DankK1ng"']This guy that me and a bunch of my buddies used to pick up off of was always like 3 hours late not exaggerating so we stopped picking from him and I guess a bunch of other people did too so he started lacing his weed with coke because like no one was picking up off him so it was his way of saying fuck you. Glad I don't ever pick up from him anymore [/quote] So because people stopped buying from him he decided to make himself lose even MORE money by putting an expensive drug in his weed that he's not moving. Genius genius genius
BULLSHIT!!! I know a couple guys that lace bud for fun. My homies dad got laced with PCP and some acid, and now he's all the way retarded.
[quote name='"IrunGC"'] BULLSHIT!!! I know a couple guys that lace bud for fun. My homies dad got laced with PCP and some acid, and now he's all the way retarded.[/quote] Lmfao
I've heard of people in Eastern Europe lacing weed with industrial chemicals to make up weight, this is dirt cheap so they don't have to worry about the cost of the other drug.
hey whats up in europe? here in BC I recently got an Oz of weed that was laced and it was a horrible experience! when I was high I became very parinoid about things..I mean very parinoid. objects in the room would talk to me. my cloths on the floor would crawl up to me and start tickleing me and laughing. even the next day i was terrified of objects and things trying to kill me. Parked cars, chairs, birds in the yard, classmates, my pet doog, I even had to check under my car for a bomb. I was even afraid of my own arms comming up and strangleing me. I eventually went to the hospital. I slept with a knife ready just in case for the next couple days you never wanna go through what I did.. so whats it like tokeing in old russia?
[quote name='"IrunGC"'] BULLSHIT!!! I know a couple guys that lace bud for fun. My homies dad got laced with PCP and some acid, and now he's all the way retarded.[/quote] You don't ever go full retard...
LOL @ people who think their weed is laced 99.9% of the time its just a new smoker with a low tolerance smoking some dank people dont just give away free drugs but when u lace it yourself, it isnt bad either, just gotta tell other people not to hit that blunt unless ur ready for whats about to happen (ive DEF seen a roomful of people who unknowingly smoked joints laced with DMT, after a few hits and the smoke started circulating, me and one friend were like , dude whos smoking deems? cuz it has a very distinct smell, then we realized everyone was. some chicks who def dont do that kinda stuff were freaking out, some people were really pissed and we kicked the kid out of the party)