Laced Weed (Yes another Paranoid story)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Indicak, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Alright basically last night I think i smoked some laced weed. But let me first tell you the amazing story.
    Alright so basically it was 2 AM and a bunch of friends and I were just standing around the street bored out of minds and we had already drank all of the alcohol so we were just standing around talking then this 20 something year old chick brought home this blackout drunk dude and the chick was obviously drunk too because she told us to make sure that he doesnt run away. So basically she goes inside her house and after a couple of minutes we go over to the car to check on the guy who was completly knocked the fuck out. We then noticed a full case of beer and a carton of cigs so we were thinking about taking it but while we were by the car the chick came out so we just played it off like we were concered for the guy.

    Well then she woke up the guy which was funny as fuck and the dude and her came over to talk to us. Now the guy kept on wanting to fight but then he said he would never fight us because we were his friends(even though we never met) so after a while the guy was like do you want some beer and stuff and we were like shit yeah because we are only ranging from 16-20 years old. So after a couple of beers and we asked if they knew where we could get some weed right now and the guy who was drunk was just like FUCK i want some weed too and he told us if he knew where to get any he would get it for us the chick just stood there and didnt say anything.

    After a while the girl said she had to take the guy home to his wife and we said are good byes and shit then about 20 minutes later the girl comes back carrying a bowl with weed in it and she gave it to the oldest one of us and basically him and the 16 year old took about 2 hits each thats when i smelled the weed and i was like shit i want a hit. So i take a hit and a shotgun and then 5 minutes later not feeling anything i took another hit and i was done. Thats when it went bad. The guys who took the first hits were running around like crazy but i was perfectly fine and high with no speed i just felt euphoric.

    So after that i was talking to these girls that we had brought with us and i had an insane amount of confidence and i was just feeling good no hyperness just euphoric and it was a clear headed high and all i saw was just lights pulsing. After a while i made it to the girls back porch and we were just hanging out and i was more focused on the girls because they were like on top of me talking to me. Then my friend came up to me and said that my best friend was pissed off at me because i had smoked the weed and i was like why are you mad im perfectly straight. Thats when i saw my 2 other friends who also smoked sitting in 2 rocking chairs just moving all the time not sitting still for a second. Thats when we went home because one of the 16 year olds mom wanted us all to come home because it was 4 am and she was pissed.

    After i got home Thats when weird shit started happening to me i was laying on the couch with my eyes closed and i would see just bright lights on my eyelids and my whole body was tingling and i just felt weird because my body would turn really warm and then really cold randomly. Then when i woke up in the morning and all of today i just felt wierd and tingly.

    Any ideas on if it was laced or if it was just realllllyy good weed. And if it was laced what do you think it was laced with.
    Btw the one who took the first hit was a very experienced smoker and he was just going crazy.
    Also the girl who brought out the weed apparently grew thats why she gave it to us for free.
  2. And this is why I don't read long posts....
  3. 98% of the time it's not laced man..that just ruins profit for the dealer..I mean most try to scam you anyway
  4. Ur face is trololol
  5. She didnt sell it to us. She gave it to us for free. Again she was drunk so idk what she was thinking.
  6. there you go.

    weed+alcohol=fucked up

  7. Indeed. You most likely were just feeling the effects of the alcohol combined with the weed, no need to worry.:smoke:

  8. /thread
  9. The booze and the fact it was prob a nice sativa. That explains the energetic feelings. Sativas can be quite trippy. Ever tried the strain LSD?
  10. TLDR

    but for sure it had crack in it bro ;)
  11. No laced weed for you. You just drank alot and maybe smoked some decent greens.
    It's very easy to tell when you're weed is laced because the high you get isn't like weed in the slightest. I dunno if I can talk about it without getting into trouble on GC.
  12. I got like that when I first tried weed in highschool.
  13. wasting my time reading that -_______-
  14. Strong Sativa. Did it have any seeds?:D
  15. I'm pretty sure it was that super weed fox was talking about the other day.
  16. Coulda been k2 or something?
    I know alot of people who crush up pills and put it in their bud, she coulda had some of that and gave you some not thinking about it.
  17. Sounds like me, and now seeing this thread title just made me more paranoid that they're definitely out to get us!
  18. [​IMG]

    I've never had to use one of these DOG arse pictures until now.
    After all of these years on the internet, this is the first thing I have seen worthy enough.

    I guess I'm trying to say: get to the point next time, man.

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