Laced Bud?

Discussion in 'General' started by Elegant_Smoker, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. I gave my friend some money to pick up some bud and they guy shorted us in the first place. I go look at it and I saw shiny little things I said damn nice really crystaly a closer look and the crystals didn't look like crystals. I break up a piece it looks like glitter is in the bud.
  2. could be laced with coke or PCP, I really don't know what the glittery part is though. Be careful smoking it, sometimes people even put in glass shards to make it look like it has crystals.
  3. i dont think theyd waste lsd trying to lace your wouldnt feel it if you smoked it..
  4. I dont know dude. I ran into that before. I just called my dude and told him his shit is fucked. It didnt do any good though. Instead I just smoked it. It was harsh, but I was a feind at the time.

    My advice, is get rid of it.
  5. I do understand that why the hell would people wanna lace weed. But considering the smaller amount they gave us it could be possible considering people do sell a small amount of middie weed with pcp in it and call it dank.
  6. The hell if I know. I got a bag laced with coke once. It sucked. My insides went numb. I slept maybe a half an hour because I was holding my tounge, so I didnt swallow it.

    Some people break up and package weed on the same shit they do coke, I guess.
  7. Well thanks for all the opinions GC your guys and gals are a great help....damn I just need to get a MMJ card so I don't gotta worry about this shit :p

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