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Laced bowl?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by iRasta, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Just bought a quarter, same dude, same weed- from what it seemed. The weed looked like the normal Mersh I get, the only difference I could tell was the smell. It smelled like straight THC mixed with some sort of chemical almost. I didn't pay too much attention to it though, atleast untill now. I just got through about a half bowl out of my bong, and things were different. I felt extremely high from that little amount, a little TOO high it seemed. After my first hit I looked up and could see blobs of color everywhere, I felt extremely light-headed and my vision was almost as if there were an earthquake going on. Not sure if that made sense as i'm still very high. Oh well. Anyways, it's been about fifteen minutes since my last hit and I still feel that way. The best way to describe it now would be as being lost. Idk wtf i'm doing right now, lol. And the bud is deff. not dank. So laced, or not?
  2. not laced. trust me. youre just high welcome to the cLub. haha
  3. sounds like some good as chroinc. or some PCP LOL. nah but for real, its not laced.
  4. More then likely not laced.
    Where you at in Missouri?
    Im in Platte County, ftl.
  5. from sprinfield
  6. I wouldn't be suprised if it was laced. There's plenty of laced bags going around my area commonly without the buyer actually knowing. Ask around your area. PCP has a strong chemical-like smell so, who knows.
  7. Not laced. I've been living in springfield for years, never seen or heard of anyone getting laced bud that they didn't pay extra for.
  8. Anyone who laces a bowl is down right retarded. Why put a more expensive drug on weed just to fuck with someone? I've been smoking for years and I've never seen laced weed. I'm starting to think its an urban legend....
  9. I know, i've just never been so extremely high off that little amount of weed, and on top of that it being Mersh. I'm completely aware it's highly unlikely. But damn, I was rediculously fried last night. And now :smoking:
  10. Maybe this should be in apprentice tokers.
  11. yo do ne of u guys live in illinois? I live in downers grove and I work in westmony illinois and i was wonderin if ne of u live in illinois and if u got connections for some good dro around here. I moved here bout a yr ago and i go like an hr 2 pick up bud do u guys no where around here i can get sum fiya!! hit me up peace SMOKE BUD ALL DAY
  12. Read the rules buddy.
  13. I can see that this guy is going to last long :rolleyes:
    Nah much love man, but GC does not tolerate discussions of this nature :)
  14. yo sry bout dat i perscribed 2 dis site like a week and a half ago and i didnt no sry keep tokin lol i dont read rules
  15. This times a million.
  16. damn do cops really think we are like this....

    fuck pigs

  17. lmao.... 'perscribed':smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:

  18. Some dealers do it because they are trying to get their customers addicted. And sometimes a dealer sells both weed and something else, and they could accidentally mix it up.

  19. Yeah dude, pcp and weed look so similar they just get screwed up and accidentally put them both in the same bag for s's and g's. :rolleyes:

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