Labor day...?

Discussion in 'General' started by KannaMan, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. Was just at the main office for my apartment buildings to ask when the mail came in (never cared too much, but have something important coming in today) and she said "OAround 12-ish usually, but today is Labor day so it won't be coming in." I did a double-take, but honestly at the time I was too stoned to realize after checking the internet for an answer... it said Veteran's day, not Labor day. Am I really high and confused, or is she just dumb? I really hope the mail comes...
  2. Wow, I'm boned...

    EDIT: I'll save them a trip if they let me pick up at the post office. Why the hell do postal workers get off for Vet.'s day? =/
  3. High from Austin btw...:wave:
  4. Keep Lubbock Smelly
  5. yepp it's veterans day, so no mail.
  6. Maybe she's the one who's really high and

    Yep...Veteran's office is closed so you can't even pick your package up...banks are closed, and all your government agencies like courts and such are closed, as well....
  7. Today is gonna suck...

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