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LA Confidential, Super Silver Haze, Blue Domina and Sour Diesel

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Eoinstidz, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 Eoinstidz, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Thought I'd post some pictures of a few good strains I've had recently. They all vary from $50-60/q here.

    LA Confidential




    Blue Domina



    Sour Diesel



    Super Silver Haze


    SSH2.jpg (Taken on a Terrible Towel... Go Steelers!)
  2. those are something out of a magazine. very nice.

    how did you find someone who sells quarters of that stuff for 60? Is it because you live in Canada and its usually like that? or do you know a grower or have a hook-up or something? That price would be a dream come true for me
  3. #3 Eoinstidz, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Lol thanks bro.
    The prices are basically standard around here as long as you buy regularly. And I can't speak for all of Canada, but I know at least most of Ontario has similar prices.
    The Sour was 50, so was the Blue Domina.
    The SSH was 55 and the LA was 60

    but no seriously those are some mad tasty looking buds, bro :smoke:
  5. those look really good man, really like the blue domina!!! +rep
  6. move to vancouver, i get eighths of this shit for 20 quarters for 40 halfs for 60 and oz for 140-150


  7. Those price breaks make no sense... if your getting halves for 60, why the fuck are you paying more than 120 for the oz?
  8. which strain do/did you enjoy smoking the most? I'm running a few LA Woman ladies right now, which is "LA Confidential X Mean Martian Green!", kinda curious as to how you rate that Confidential, smoke-wise... :wave:
  9. Love me some LA :smoke: Out of these four its probably my favourite. Way too potent to smoke during the day if you plan on doing anything afterwards, as it erases your short term memory roughly every 5 minutes. lol
    But ya in terms of potency, never had a bad batch of LA confidential.
  10. Have to say though that this Blue Dom im smoking now is just unbelievably tasty. Leaves such a nice taste in your mouth. And a much more functional high than the other three.

    Attached Files:

  11. Fuck im moving to canada! that is cheap for some dank! enjoy that shit man
  12. I too love the Sativa dominant strains. :smoke
  13. Yea man, the Blues usually give a more functional high. Blue Dream is one of my favorites and I'm sure pretty similar to the Dom.
  14. Very nice lookin buds, I'm jealous!

    I've had Black Domina before, amazing strain, but never heard of Blue Domina.
  15. Yea same about the Black Dom. But LA Cons looking lovely. Cant wait for mine to flower.
  16. beautiful buds man. ive heard a lot of nice reviews and shit for that super silver haze; i wish i had me some of that :bongin:
  17. The Super Silver is deffinately some great smoke, but to me it doesn't quite stand up to the LA, which is without a doubt in my top 3 strains of all time after this pickup.

  18. They are completely different tho, SSH is sativa, LA con, is 100% indica hahahahhaha
  19. Lol I know that but since I have no overwhelming preference atm to either Sativa or Indica, I just try to rate strains as best I can based on the enjoyment I get out of each one. And I get a hell of a lot of enjoyment out of the LA. lol. Not to say the SSH isn't enjoyable, but it just doesn't stand out as memorably as the Conf.
  20. Hahaha yea, im a fan of afghani breeds anyway, so LA would take the cake for me too lol

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