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LA clinics in danger!

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by cball, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Dang beat me to it! haha and im from LA. thanks though, i dont mind that much really. I read somewhere that there are more dispensaries than starbucks, probably why starbucks is campaigning against marijuana.
  2. WTF is this guy talking about??

    "The outlook for medical marijuana in Los Angeles remains hazy. Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley has said he will target pot clinics that profit and sell to people who don't qualify for medical marijuana."

    I'm 100% sure that NO dispensaries sell to people that don't qualify for medical marijuana.They check you before you can even see the bud.
  3. they mean 18 year old kids who have "insomnia"


  4. so now we have to be dieing with cancer to get medical marijuana...why do people get vicodin for dumb shit like a headaches? :confused:
  5. OK just because the restrictions have passed DOES NOT mean they will go into effect. Several activists are already planning on a referendum that will be voted on by the people repealing these restrictions. Also variances granted by the City Council may allow some clubs to stay open.

    Never jump to conclusions when it involves politics. Until clubs actually start closing, continue doing what you're doing, but word to the wise, find a REPUTABLE club, preferably one of the original 186 that existed before the moratorium took place.

  6. It isn't that extreme...but there are honestly, way to many kiddies getting recs, when they do not deserve them. It is that very abuse of the system that can ruin it for everyone.:(

    This is a political thing, and will take time...but keep up the good fight!:D

  7. So true.

    Send some mail, emails, and/or phone calls to the mayors office. He still has to sign off on this or 'veto' it.:wave:
  8. I'm a medical patient in LA and I'm not concerned one bit. They will most likely be shutting down all the collectives popping up in LA (seriously, there are like 3 new collectives that open up every day down there). All the collectives worth going to are the ones running under the proper guidelines and will not be shut down.
  9. bs. total bs. i believe that there are probably some people that dont need their cards, but people all over the u.s. have BULLSHIT prescriptions for pills (something thats ACTUALLY HARMFUL) and i havent been reading any fuckin articles on the shitty ass us government goin after them. weed is so misunderstood this shit just aint fair.

  10. because the pharma. companies has hugely deep pockets, spend a shit ton on money and time in washington and take very good care of the doc who's writing that vicodin prescription .

    then the Brother/sister/cousin/aunt of the pharma company CEO opens a fanchise of drug rehabs to take care of(or take more money from) all the folks that got addicted to the oxy or vike's the doc was prescribing.

    its a beautiful thing isnt it....
    its also one of the reasons that medical MJ was so hard to pass...

    but I digress, on topic.

    I live 3000 miles away from those clinics but it does seem to me that 600 new ones in 10 months is a bit absurd.
  11. It will be alright guys lets just go out and march! Im going to the one in L.A. hopefully you guys go to your nearest one. The mayor still needs to sign it and i think its gonna take atleast a month for it to go in effect if it is passed. dont loose hope.
  12. This is a good thing, there are way to many and at least half of them have outrageous prices, were is the excess money going to if most of the dispensaries are just very little one or two room places that don't do anything except sell the buds to patients. Travel farther up north and your going to find dispensaries that are very involved with the community and that help people that actually are sick.

  13. And that fact that it is so misunderstood is why doctors should not be giving out recommendations just by bringing in your state id... It's doctors like that, that bring a bad view upon Medical Marijuana.
  14. that many clinics in that short of a period of time does seem ridiculous, but i think its a sign of what the people want

  15. Painkillers are to treat pain... doctors aren't going to hook your brain up to machines and run thousands of dollars of tests to conclude that you're in severe pain before they give you painkillers, that would be ridiculous.

    Take it from someone that has had medical problems his whole life, if my doctors couldn't prescribe painkillers fast then I would have suffered more than I can imagine throughout the years.

    And 99% of the people with medical cards in California don't need them. Just because you have trouble sleeping sometimes or you have "anxiety" or something and you think weed helps doesn't make you some special medical marijuana patient. Medical MJ should be for people who NEED it, not people who want it. I have Crohn's and I certainly think it helps but if there was no more weed I don't think my life would be over.

  16. Yeah i know where your going ,and yeah my life wouldn't be drawn to an end if i didn't have marijuana ,but it's still pointless to be fighting marijuana in the first place,no matter how you look at it.
  17. I have my medical card and live around the LA area... Luckily for me the number one despensory I go to is staying open :hello:
    But in response to the comment on the first page about "18 year old kids with insomnia", I got my card before I was even 18 and yet my reasons were legitimate.. Obviously there are some kids mainly in it for the ~*legal weed*~ but that isn't always the case.
  18. #19 Zoom420, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    The fights Carry on.

    IMO, these clinics are nonproffit and need to pool their fundage together and wage the most hellacious expensive legal battle LA has ever seen.. on behalf of the entire state.

    If those dickhead prohibitionists didnt have their head in their asses about MJ, this mess wouldnt even be here - it could have been intelligently regulated decades ago... long before people absolutely HAd to force the medicinal issue just to be able to get a safe effective necessary medicine.

    Now, it is a state constitutional right that any CA resident with a serious condition ... like a migraine (specifically one of the listed treatable medical issues) can get a script.

    And if the prohibitionists dont like it, too bad. You idiot prohibitionists caused it.

    Intelligently regulate MJ now..

    Or I dont wanna hear the antiMMJ woes and I dont want to hear it when people express concerns that they only want to give MMJ to dying patients.. that is not the law and that is not the consitutional right.

    Regulate it properly and you will finally not need to worry about it.
  19. Here's a great article from the LA Times, the gent in the photo is my bud Barry, who runs my "home dispensary" CPA.

    L.A. City Council finally passes medical marijuana ordinance -


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