Kush is now in my 2 y/o nephews vocabulary!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by I Wayne, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. My two year old newphew came downstairs and yelled kitty! I was like, yeah that's my cat kush. And he decided to run upstairs to the rest of the family yelling kush kush kush. hahah. But I'm a bit bored how is everyone today ?
  2. that is.... awesome!
  3. hope they know you smoke
  4. lol thats terrible but funny at the same time, my cats name is bud, its funny seeing little kids calling my cat bud.
  5. i'm definetly getting a kitty when i get a place of my own, he/she will be the defender of my glorious cannabis garden.
  6. #6 Lucifer Christ, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Be careful, have you seen the Trailer Park Boys episode where they find a mountain lion that's been eating and is addicted to their weed? I mean, a couger's nothing but a big kitty, that's all.

    EDIT: Steve French

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndMNxsMG9IQ&feature=youtube_gdata"]YouTube- Trailer Park Boys season 4 episode 6 If You Love Something, Set It Free(3/3)[/ame]
  7. kitty cats like eating leaves and not the bud
    beleive me my kitty goes nuts for the leaves but not the bud haha

  8. Na my mom was like your brother named it after some pot smoking thing. She's like he and his friends always blew smoke in his face hah. The cat literally likes to toke up though cause he basks in the smoke that goes his way :rolleyes:

  9. Yes I have found half moon bites out of my leaves in the past. A buddy automatically knew it was a cat problem hah.
  10. i have a friend with a pit bull named kush, haha. that fucker is so cuddly
  11. haha i woulda gotten a kick out of seeing that.
    that'd be awesome if he remembers this incident and years later finally connects the name to the game.
  12. lol thats funny

  13. Yeah that is so true because I remember a few clips from the age of 2.

    ..Sorry for bumping the thread...lol

    But that's badass kush ^^

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