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Kush (DENSE kush)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Mira, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. For reference check the first picture, the reading is 1.8 grams (kind of hard to tell in the picture though), and i put a quarter next to it for size reference. It's some dense-ass shit.

    It was 60 for an eighth. Expensive, but that's GA for you.

    This will be smoked slowly over the next week. The majority of it will be rolled into spliffs.


  2. wow that really is dense, i would have guessed .5-1 at most. Either way, that stuff looks nice
  3. thanks, and yes it is quite deceiving. :smoking:
  4. Looks pretty nice, but I also am pretty sure I see 1.4 lol..clearly.
  5. whoops, i didn't mean 1.8, i meant 1.7. And no, it says 1.7, not 1.4.
  6. I'm gonna have to go with 1.4, but it still looks dank and dense as hell. Nice pick up.
  7. deff 1.7 have fun rollin them spliffs homie
  8. looks pretty dankk
    id love some of that, and yea prices r high around here 2 for good shit
  9. haha, i wouldn't lie to you guys.


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