Kuroi's First grow! 400W Hortilux Blue

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by kuroishinto, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. #1 kuroishinto, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    I've been posting questions in other threads and was told to start a grow journal, so I am! I just moved into a new house and I have all the room in the world. I'd been bouncing around on building a box or just getting a tent. I decided to go with the tent for convenience. Just bought it today, should be arriving in the next couple days. Right now my girl is surrounded by mylar under the 400W MH Hortilux Blue bulb.

    As you can see I lst'd once she got to about 11 inches. That was about a week ago now. She is doing amazing, new growth all over the place almost immediately after the lst. I'm thinking of scrogging once I set the tent up.

    This plant is a clone taken from a friends plant, it's the test run. I have 10x Crystal from marijuana-seeds.nl and 5 freebies on the way, they will be the first primo plants to grow in there.

    I got a 48"x48"x78" tent. Obviously my lamp is pretty god damn heavy, I plan on putting an eyehook through the top of my tent into a stud in the ceiling to hold up the lamp. Someone want to refresh me on that formula to figure out what size fan I need? Yes I will have a carbon scrubber.

    I'm using FFOF soil, and FF nutes. Also using 1tblsp molasses/gal once a week to help plant with nutrient intake and soil microbe health. No I'm not flowing yet but plan to once my tent is 100% set up. Honestly space isnt an issue right now so I'm going to let her get a bit bigger before I begin 12/12

    Umm, thats all I can think of right now to post. Let me know what you think! :D :wave: oh, and those pics are from a few days ago, I'll put some fresh ones up soon.
  2. 4x4x6.5=104 Cubic Feet

    A small 4" fan blowing at around 180 cfm thru a 4" carbon scrubber should do the job.
    No need to get a 2nd intake fan, just open one of the lower flaps a little to allow cool air from the floor to circulate into the tent

    That light fixture your useing looks like it came from a street lamp.

    Your tent should be able to support around 65 pounds of hanging weight

    I hope this helps :bongin:
  3. lol it's not from a street lamp, theyre the type used in a factory setting/barn etc.

    yea that helps a lot, thanks!
  4. Ha ha, I knew it looked familiar :)
  5. That is one crazy looking lamp! You going to use it for flowering, or do you have another bulb for that?

    I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
  6. hah, yea, that is the lamp I'm using for flowering, the Hortilux-Blue is a wide enough spectrum MH that it can be used for all stages (for 130 bucks it better!) I'm gonna take a new pic and upload now... :D
  7. hmm, what is the site that a lot of people use for image hosting? someone was saying that photobucket isn't a good site to use. I notice that you can look at all my other pictures by following the links...I changed the options but still. you know.
  8. Keep the files under 2 megs and you can upload them safely to GC :smoke:
  9. ah okay, heres that one pic again. How can I reduce the size? most of my pics are JUST over 2 megs lol.

    Just curious, how is GC safe if unregistered users can look through my galleries??
  10. You can use a program like photo shop to crop the picture a little to reduce the size.

    My camera allows me to lower the resolution which in turn lowers the size of the jpg

    I am not sure about the galleries as I dont use them
  11. #11 kuroishinto, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010
    Heres some new pics! :D
    well wtf...it was easy to load images from photobucket...now I cant sort it out..

  12. I saw some purple streaks in the main stem so I decided to start giving her some Grow Big 6-4-4. Can someone tell me how to post pictures from our grasscity account? I've loaded them up but the url wont work :mad:
  13. When you hit reply button look a bit furthur down the screen to a button that says "Manage Attachments"

    From there you can upload pictures :smoke:

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