HIGH'all. whats shakin? my first thread here... allow me to intro meself: SWM, 35, never married, no kids (xcept for the two 17yrold girls my ex is currently neglecting- but im there for them!) lotsa college- even some ivy league (and boy, i got the loans to prove it!). werk as a designer when im not snowboarding (see image to view "the quiver"). grew up in atlanta-athens, but now live HIGH in the rockies at 8000'- so doubt any of you's is smellin' MY sidestream smoke! been a smoker since the mid-80's (got a late start, but making up for that now). i travel lots. no pets. i usta grow herb when i lived in jacksonhole, but not now. i use a vaporizer at home and joints on the road! yeee-haawww, let's get the party started here, shall we?
Don't know about you guys, but if you have been frequenting the discussion boards for a while, IMHO they have all gone downhill.........badly. It is actually nice to have a board that is not full of meaningless crap and trolling remarks. I have actually ended up making alot of good friends through the boards and think they are a cool idea. When I first started my green hobby, the boards saved me a few times. For those little nuances and happenings that couldn't be figured out from reading a book, I turned to the more wise. And that was on the boards. So anyways, here's to a new start and let's keep it real.