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Kraft Creamy/Smooth Peanut Butter

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Amped, May 13, 2010.

  1. This Saturday me and my friend want to make some firecrackers, and i would just like to know if Kraft creamy peanut butter is good for this? Because the guide mentioned the peanut butter must be oily. This:

  2. should be suitable for that.

    i mean, i definately wouldnt eat it.
  3. What do you mean you definately wouldnt eat it ?
  4. I made some last night with Kraft Chunky Peanut butter which has a bit more fat in it and it worked great.

    You should be okay but if you can get a fattier one then its better
  5. why not just add some oil for full solubility
  6. Around how much oil should i add per firecracker? I plan on putting around .3gs in each on e
  7. Drizzle half a teaspoon of extra oil. That should do the trick.
  8. Thank you :)! ill put a quarter teaspoon of extra oil on each of my firecrackers then :) (Making two)
  9. Np, fellow Torontonian.

    Rep is also appreciated hahahah.

    LOL Just playin man.
  10. haha +repped you :) Nice though, im not really from Toronto, im from Richmond Hill. Close enough to Toronto though, put Toronto cause thats what most people know
  11. Richmondhill eh? U still go to highschool, or you're out?

    PM me bro.

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