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KottonMouthKings! Aug 14!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ButtHeadsBeavis, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. On this wonderful stoney Tuesday morning (12:25am) which happens to be aug 14 I'm listening to the bet album ever! I myself have pre ordered Mile High from the band representing the culture KottonMouthKings! Anyway this track has some of the nicest Stoney techno punk rock rip hop tunes and when I'm half in a coma it sounds real nice :)

    Anyone else pre order this masterpiece? Any kings and queens on here?
    Questions, comments, concerns?
    Haters welcome that's what made this band strong so discuss!

  2. I liked them 10yrs ago but they fell off bad after no 7 imo
  3. #3 ButtHeadsBeavis, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
  4. [quote name='"TinTizzy"']I liked them 10yrs ago but they fell off bad after no 7 imo[/quote]

    That's alot of peoples look on it but I'm very open with music in the first place and I've think they have still been going strong since long live the kings, this new techno beat may turn off some but to me it pleasure raps my ears!
  5. I still bump their old stuff from time to time so it's all good..sad that pak died today though if you didn't hear
  6. #6 ButtHeadsBeavis, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    [quote name='"TinTizzy"']I still bump their old stuff from time to time so it's all good..sad that pak died today though if you didn't hear[/quote]

    Well that's good atleast! And yea unfortunately but other than his mind boggling dance moves I won't miss him lol I wish they would be more specific about the "health complication" tho
  7. I read he had an asthma attack where he couldn't breathe and was having seizures and then died from it
  8. [quote name='"TinTizzy"']I read he had an asthma attack where he couldn't breathe and was having seizures and then died from it[/quote]

    Damn thatd be a shit way to go, well RIP to the visual assassin lol
  9. God damn it, I just posted a serious post about a legal issue and this gets more posts than it did...fuck n a :confused:
  10. [quote name='"CyclicDreams"']

    God damn it, I just posted a serious post about a legal issue and this gets more posts than it did...fuck n a :confused:[/quote]

    Lol it's pretty much just me and tintizzy talking about kmk and yea trust me I'm the first one to know about little thread views/ comments mine always die off after a day haha

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