
Discussion in 'General' started by CharlesThe1337, Jul 7, 2007.

  1. Hello all, I haven't been on here in quite some time becuase a while back I got busted by my parents. Now I've been getting randomly tested from time to time. Well, I've gotten really high (havent smoked in 2 months!!!!!) the last 3 days so now its time for me to start getting it back outta my system. If I was completely clean before hand, can anyone give me an estimate to when I will be clear to piss again? And also, I've been drinking alot. I hear you should drink a shit ton of water, but I can't drink alot of water with out getting tired of it. But Koolaid on the other hand.... I can drink tons of that shit, can someone tell me if it will have the same effect as water? Or if the Koolaid itself messes with what the water would usually be doing? Thanks everyone :smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:
  2. ok deal is if you tafe 8 packets of kool aid mix and mix them in a glass of water with NO sugar and chug it then the niacin in the mix will help clean you out.... mind you it taste like shit and its just as easy to eat some niacin tabs daily for 1 week start it 1 week b4 u piss, so i think if you just drink koolaid the sugars are fatty thus adding to the problem that fat holds THC IMPO so water or even better green tea is your best bet-me
  3. So you are sayin if I buy 8 of those little 10 cent packets of koolaid (sugar free for shizzle) and pour it into a SINGLE glass of water and drink it it will detox me? Anyone have any confirmation to this? I may be a guinea pig and try this if I can scrape some cash together for a home test kit. Thanks though its appreciated.
  4. Buy niacin pills from a health food/dollar store. They work much better, and you can ENJOY your cool aid. Ahoy! =]
  5. Lol, I know about the Niacin trick and stuff. I've read up on detox and stuff before I decided to smoke. But I'm asking if there is anything in the Koolaid that will prevent me from ridding myself of these toxins more efficiently than water would. Which the first guy sort of mentioned with the sugar and what not which was a good point.
  6. :hello:again!

    do that, just be sure not to take them a day or two before your test- don't want to have to piss and have everything you're working to clean out of your system come out when you have to test.

    and don't overload yourself on water, it's retarted. It doesn't make THAT big of a difference (THC is obviously fat soluble, despite that a miniscule amount of THC might get flushed away), unless you're trying to dilute (which could work on a home test kit, but sure as hell not a real one). When I had to take drug screens every week, it was at the hospital and they sure as shit check everything- niacin levels, creatine levels, temp of piss, etc.

    and if you really want it out of your system, there's one for sure answer that will get you results- exercise.
  7. Haha, yeah dude I'm not worried about trying to detox ASAP, just wanna know if my parents take me in for a test if I should be trippin or not. Basically, when my "safe" zone begins. How'd you get around toking and weekly tests dude? Shit sucks. And yeah as of now my cleansing program consists of koolaid and riding my bike. lol.
  8. Yeah. I got a test this coming monday at the hospital. Which means, a few long runs, 500mg or so of Niacin a day, and a healthy amount of water. Duz duh trick.
  9. I wasn't able to get around it. Didn't smoke during that time. Bitch of it is, even if my parents had any suspicion at that point, they'd always just randomly say they're taking me somewhere and then *what do you know, we're at the hospital*.

    I also had this patch for the longest time...they put it on your upper-arm, lower-back, or stomach, (upper-arm for me) and it stays on for a week. Have to go to the doctors to have it put on / taken off, if you try and tamper with it they can tell (ha, and believe me, they can tell) and it's a positive screen, and it just takes in your sweat basically for a week. Sent off to be analyzed, and another is put back on your arm. pretty fool-proof. shit stays on there, too- I used to go swimming several times a week, and that didn't even phase it.

    tested positive for opiates once from eating poppyseed muffins every day (hey, they were god damn delicious).
  10. Haha, nice. I thought that poppyseed stuff was proven wrong on mythbusters?!!? But yeah I doubt they will go so far as to put a patch on me each week, they just take me into one of those lab tests so I can pee in the cup (and a little on the wall!). But yeah I was just making this thread because I've herd/read that if you are COMPLETELY clean, you can smoke like an eigth in one night and be clean a week later with no chemical assistance. I'm sure this includes the fluids + exercising stuff too. Anyone have something to say about that or confirm it?
  11. #11 supersweet1989, Mar 29, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
  12. I think the sugar from the koolaid gets stored in your fat along with THC. When u burn that fat...out comes the THC into a positive piss test


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