Kool Herc needs are support.(Hip-Hop listeners)

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by CABNumber, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. This man is the pioneer of Hip-Hop he is one of the originators if it wasn't for him you woudn't be listening to ATCQ, Wu-Tang, Kanye West, Rakim, etc... and the best part about it is in the words of DJ Premier “We actually have a father of a culture that still lives, where in some cultures, you know, they already dead and gone”. But if you haven't heard yet is very sick and hospitalized at the moment. Shits fucked up I mean really the father of Hip-Hop cant even afford health insurance when we have talentless money motivated so called artist invading are Hip-Hop culture making millions of dollars exploiting it and turning it into a circus sideshow. The fuck is up with that:mad:? But I digress the reason I made this thread is because Herc need are help,now Im not saying you have to but if you can spare a dollar or whatever you can to help him.

    You can send your donations to:
    Kool Herc Productions
    PO Box 20472
    Huntington Station, NY


    You can send Paypal donations to this provided email address (Kool Herc's sister) cindycampbell1@aol.com

    (Feel free to add to the thread any information you have concerning Kool Herc)


    DJ Kool Herc Needs The Hip-Hop Community's Help | 2dopeboyz

    DJ Premier Reveals DJ Kool Herc Is In Poor Health | Get The Latest Hip Hop News, Rap News & Hip Hop Album Sales | HipHopDX
  2. The artists should help
  3. All these dudes who make millions on hip-hop should donate some cd or ringtone sales or something.

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