Hi ya everyone, New to the site and etc... I grew up being the sober kid amongst a bunch of stoners. So basicly I built their pipes, and smoking devices or fixed anything that broke while they smoked. Well I moved into my own place and one day decided to start smoking and its been the high road for me since. Stumbled across this site while looking up grow boxes and decided to jump in and visit for a few. Now being an older paranoid guy that I am, I do have a question. Im not tech savy as in how the internet is etc.. But I see lots of folks posting up pics of their grow rooms/plants etc.. Is there any chance of the LEOs actually using this to track down, come after ya? I know it may sound stupid to some, but well Id love to put up pics of my builds but dont want it coming back to bite me in the ass. Other than that, Im loving what Im seeing and hope to share more for months/years to come!
Hey buddy. Um no it's all good man. Just don't post pics of yourself, give your whole name, or address. shit like that. Also, don't try to or agree to smoke with someone via this site. a cop or something might be trying to do a sting operation!! Yeah I fucking love this site too man. have a nice day and all that jazz
yeah as the poster above me said just dont post personal information and you should be fine. welcome to the forums too.