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Knowing Tokers

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Aito7926, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Curious, how do you guys meet new tokers? Im married, dont really have a party lifestyle, and have kinda fallen out of social circles. Other than a dinner date here and there with friends also in relationships, and work get togethers. But i would like to find more poeple to toke with, other than the same and only two people i know that do. So how do you guys meet em, and get to the point where you toke together?
  2. Do your two smoking buddies know other people that smoke? It would probably be a good idea to ask them. Otherwise... just like ask your current friends if they wanna smoke a j with you.

  3. Your best bet would be asking your buddies if they know anyone who smokes. You could try and find some house parties, more mature house parties and just ask people there. Or you could ask your friends if they know any good house parties to go to or something.
  4. go to clubs smoke with them and make freinds
  5. they hang with a different demographic than i do, like with people that get into trouble and stuff. Never really been into the party scene. guess thats the only place to look then huh?

  6. In my opinion true toking friends just appear, maybe it will just happen, for me i will never have that problem because smoking or "vaporizing" in my case is my favorite thing to do alone.:smoke:

    blaze on
  7. Make friends everywhere you go. You'll meet stoners, you'll meet people who don't smoke, but they might be cool anyway.
  8. You could probally try to make some freinds at the local head shop or some other "toker freindly" place. like a skate park or a locally owned music shop. Thanks for reading and hope it helps :smoking:

  9. I understand completely, I would try to bring up the conversation of marijuana to "new" friends. Like go to your local "mature" (mature not being the titty bar haha) bar have a cocktail and make a couple new friends. Then over time when you feel comfortable ask "hey you smoke?"

    Or, Strike up a conversation with a neighbor you are comfortable with. Say something like "So I saw these kids driving by our neighborhood the other day and the were smoking reefer." His reaction and response will tell you whether or not to pursue the conversation any farther.

    Just bringing up the conversation of marijuana with other might get someone to ask you if you smoke. You don't necessarily have to directly ask someone if they smoke pot.

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