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Know what I hate?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by kingmajin, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Hey, dudes. i'm not sure if this has been posted about, but here we go. ya know what i hate? when you smoke with someone who is like "nah, man. i know how to smoke. i can use it (referring to a bong) etc..." even though they clearly don't. i can give an example, even.

    last night, i had some killer with 2 friends of mine. now, i'm 19(about to be 20). i've only smoked for..say a year, but i've come pretty far, imo. my other dude is 19. he's smoked for...i think since he was maybe 16? idk. way longer than me, lol. now, the offender. he's...say, 20's or 30's, i think. he's smoked a lot. used to, anyway. he smokes sometimes, nowadays. anyway, i had a standard bottle bong. you all know how that works. well, i loaded him a bowl and was like "alright, remember the carb, don't tilt, be careful" etc... well, right when he got it, he tilted it forward (we all know what happens when you do that with a water bong) plus, some came out. well, when he went to take a hit..he breathed *into* that bitch! lol. i was like "wtf, man???" and he was like..pissed at me. he said "man, you didn't even load this. nothing but ashes in this, man" thing was...not only was there still green in there (wet green, i might add) but he spilled it and blew it out. i had to load him another bowl. that sucked, lol.

    anyone else was to share some stories of just like..stoner faux-pas?

    (reason i post this in apprentice tokers, is because it was SOO noobish, lol)
  2. My sister in laws do that shit lol....always act like they know what to do but dont haha....its just funny to me, what pisses me off is my wife's cousins always bouncing from house to house smoking other people's weed and not bringing any....getting old
  3. I have a story kind of like this. An ex girlfriend of mine used to pretend to be a big time smoker, but I figured out that whenever I passed her a joint she'd blow rather than suck to give the illusion she was smoking. Anyway as soon as I figured that out I thought it'd be funny to see what she did with the bong. As I'm sure you can imagine, she blew a load of stinky old bong water all over herself. lol Definately worth the little bit of weed that got wet.
    Posers piss me off.

  4. LOL! haha. dude, that sounds fucking hilarious.
  5. Are people just too nice to correct others? If I had a bong and someone fucked it over, i'd tell them they did, and then show them the correct way. If they got an attitude with me, they can fuck off.
  6. When bitches blow into the top of the bong.
  7. ugh! i hate it when people think they know everything and that theres nothing to learn because they are the all mighty prophets of this world who have the answer to everything....and then they blow a load of bong water on their face :p
  8. One time I had a friend that pretended that he smoked weed to disguise the fact that he was a crystal meth and heroin addict. Was so funny when I figured this out and he came to stay at mine for a week and I stole his crystal meth and heroin and made him smoke weed. He just admitted it all to me and then stole my TV to sell for his addiction. Actually, looking back, that wasn't really funny at all, I probably should have helped him...
  9. Ugh...i had thus nub of a douche smoking with me.... Complete idiot. He filled his lungs and the chamber of the bong full then tried to clear it... and coughed into the bong.
  10. I hate when someone claims to be a "user" and then coughs like a bitch into the tube! yuk! OR when they slam down the glass tube on the table too hard! "Dude, I thought you said that your piece is hard glass!" Well genius, I never said that my tube is made from UNBREAKABLE glass! I wouldn't get into your car and slam the door as hard as I could just because it's made of metal.

    I got smart and fixed those problems. I now use a "Kush Pad" to set my glass on. I got that for free when I bought my tube. There is also a site that gives instructions on how to use tubes, spoons, and even metal screens. GOOGLE prestige pipes use tube. I have sent some of my "users" to that site so they know what they are doing without making any more goofs.
  11. Lmao i kno exactly what u mean, ive seen so many little jits who claim they are frequent smokers and cough into the bong, offa like half of what i would even consider a decent hit
  12. Hate kids that act like they know how to roll a blunt and end up either tearing it or rolling it loose
  13. LOL around tha first dayz i started smoking, i wuz so stoned from my AquaFina bong, that via explaning, i told him to hold tha carb, lite it, nd blow as hard as yu can.

    ahh tha good ol dayz.
  14. Me and 2 of my friends were hittin a small bowl and my one friend apparently smokes a lot with his other friends. I'm pretty sure he's lying cuz wen it was his turn to hit he just stared at it. So me and my other friend explain it to him and he still has no clue. We ended up having to light it for him. It was so frustrating

  15. I would be like girl listen here. You suck the weed and blow me off. Thats the rule.

    Anyways my friends seem to never be able to light a lighter by themselves.

    I always explain the fuck out of everything to try and avoid these situations.

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