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knee cap heat?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by folied, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. im pretttttyy high right now and my knee caps feel really really warm. weird. anyway i bought my first eihgth today and im pretty happy.. dank as hell.
  2. are you sitting wierd, it may be just falling asleep. thats a warm prickly sensation, that under weed i could see as being felt like heat.
  3. The weed you smoked may be part of why your knees feel hot. Weed (especially Indica) can give you body highs that kind of fuck with you especially if it's dank(which you say it is). Sometimes my legs feel weird. just enjoy it as part of the high.:smoke:
  4. It has nothing to do with the weed. But I totally know what you're talking about. Not often, but sometimes I get this weiiiird sensation in my knees where they just feel very warm to the touch, warmer than the rest of my body. It is really strange.

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