Knar Glass Grav Bong

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by rickjames420, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Wow cool, I've never seen anything like that. Can you post a better picture? Its kind of hard really see it. Also nice wizard pipe too.
  2. Sorrybout pic qualty,, Thats all i got until my new one gets made,, Had a few to many beers last weekend and the glass peice ontop where the bowl sits in broke off and i threw it away because i was drunk/angry,,Im lookin for a glassblower to make me another,,I will post here soon as i do..Its just a glass tube that fits perfect in the other tube, no brand or anything but it belong he a best friend that past away and i got his stuff and this was mine and his favourite,,other then the volcano. The video shows it pretty good in action tho
  3. Love the Volcano. :)
  4. Yeah its unreal,,My bowl broke and they want $120 just for a plastic bowl...I gotta save up for that one,,Havent used it in 3+months
  5. im so confused on what happened in that video lol
  6. #7 4FootHits, Feb 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2010
    Haha hell yeah, thats the way to smoke up man.

    Plus that waterfall is fucking awsome, Ive hit it. I got the pipe now, and I posted a threat about it here, check it out lol.

    If your talking about the waterfall, the base just fits around the waterfall, is the best waterfall Ive seen by far!
  7. that shit was pretty tight, i want one lol. rep
  8. what am i looking at?
  9. lol theres a picture.. and then check the videos out. (waterfall is in the videos, and theres a sick collection in the picture)
  10. What the fuck. Thats sick ahah!
  11. ive heard vape high is nothin like a bong high volcanos are ridiculously expensive to use and maintain.
  12. LOL! Maintain, You dont have to do a thing, and ridiculously expensive? Not really $750. The smoke is pure, 100% THC burn, Tastes unreal!, Still make oil with leftover weed..I dunno where you "heard" but haha, Makes a reveiw over what he heard. Filters out 99% of toxins that develope in the combustion process. This means you can virtually smoke without damaging your health!. Less weed to get you high. You should try before you post!


  13. hahahaha :hello::hello:

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