Klonopin vs Xanax and OD??

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by bloodraven51690, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. So i have been prescribed every benzo from xanax to lorazapam to clonazapam. I was wondering what everyone thinks is the best. Whats the overdoes point by the way on these drugs? Im very experience and know what im doing when taking them so any help would be appreciated.
  2. Xanax is best if you want to get FUCKED UP. If you just want to chill out and you have to do work and shit klonopin is best. Ive seen people die from as little as 16mg of xanax.

  3. They must have been mixing drugs or drinking, I thought it was very very hard to OD on benzos alone?

    Maybe i fucked up, but i thought that was true
  4. that kid who commited suicide on justin.tv had only taken 8 2mg xanax. You can definitely die from xanax alone. You will stop breathing.
  5. He also took some opiates, which greatly increases the affects of benzos...

  6. Yeah they both depress your CNS terribly when mixed, hell alone they do.

    This in turn effects your respiratory system by putting pressure on it, thus "crushing" your lungs pretty much, that's why it's usually advised to fight against the nodding on opiates until you can't any longer.
  7. yea man i had a bro die from mixing xanax and methadome.. i wish someone could describe how this feels
  8. im just posting this to ask since it seems some of you have experience with klonopin, how many mg do you take to just chill out recreationally, like before tokin a b? i heard 2mg in another thread.. and, can you snort them or is it best to just pop em?
  9. i'll take 2 kolonipins and smoke a bowl and i'm feeling nice

  10. its hard but totally possible. i had someone i knew die from just xanny bars. not sure how much he took but he isnt here

    im happy with 2-3mg of klonnie most ive taken (i think since i was beyond blackout) 6mg and 2 beers or so; but ive since built quite the tolerance since i started getting it prescribed daily vs. when needed
  11. my record for klonopin is 10mg alone. I think I also took 4 somas sometime that night. With alch il only take 6mg when iv mixed with vicodin i only took 3mg. mixing benzos with opiates is dangerous but feels amazing
  12. I blacked out on 6mg xanax in a period of 1-3.5 hrs...almost got royally fucked but I played it straight.

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