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Kjd8714's norther california pickup's

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by kjd8714, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Just picked up a half oz of couch lock and romlock. Two of the baggies r in my garage. I actually use a delivery service that is amazing and always on time. The following pictures are just of the amazing meal. Made afterwards, the Chicken is a bacon and cheese stuffed chicken breast, the stuff in the frying pan is pancetta with cut up brusselsprouts, then the poop looking things are a no bake oatmeal, peanut butter,chocolate cookie. Super yummy.

    Attached Files:

  2. Someone had an awesome Wednesday! :metal:

    Nice pick up, and that food looks fuggin bomb...
  3. Lol thank you ya I am still nursing on this ounce trying to make it last till the first. Hopefully I will be heading into a dispensary in Sacramento get some really good bud. My tolerance is so damn high. I have to take a couple day t-break soon.
  4. Nice, yeah I smoke everyday myself, but I had to take a tbreak for a pre screen drug test a few months ago. I was clean about 2 1/2 weeks before the test, got the call a few days later that I had passed, smoked the second I got off the phone.

    I had some very mild Hindu Kush, at least it was mild two and a half weeks before, this stuff ended up putting me on my ass instead, it def did not get that strong the two weeks I wasn't smoking it, I didn't even think about smoking my top shelf bud till a month later, the Hindu Kush was working for me. If you have the patience to wait, I say go for it..I actually might go on another one after I harvest my next grow...u talked me into it, haha.
  5. puppy! nice buds, nice food, nice post.
  6. [quote name='"RooRgle"']Nice, yeah I smoke everyday myself, but I had to take a tbreak for a pre screen drug test a few months ago. I was clean about 2 1/2 weeks before the test, got the call a few days later that I had passed, smoked the second I got off the phone.

    I had some very mild Hindu Kush, at least it was mild two and a half weeks before, this stuff ended up putting me on my ass instead, it def did not get that strong the two weeks I wasn't smoking it, I didn't even think about smoking my top shelf bud till a month later, the Hindu Kush was working for me. If you have the patience to wait, I say go for it..I actually might go on another one after I harvest my next grow...u talked me into it, haha.[/quote]

    Lol wanna do a t-break together? Lol I don't have the discipline.
  7. [quote name='"ImChillin"']puppy! nice buds, nice food, nice post.[/quote]

    Lol that's one of my dogs her name is mika. She looks like a mini German shepherd but is a Shiba inu

  8. Haha, I'll let you know when I harvest (should be another month or so) u can decide then if you wanna. Till then, I'm gonna go :bongin: :wave:

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