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Kindsoil Lemon Kush 2.0

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by snowking13, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. Same thing as last time only we are going straight quantum boards this time. From what I saw last grow only using one quantum and two regular LEDs and the colas under the quantum were 50% bigger and 50% tighter. Along with being as thin as my iPhone and draw half the watts. I’m sold for life with Kindsoil and quantum boards. Here we go! IMG_0376.JPG
  2. Transfer into 3 gal grow fabric pots. Kind soil at the bottom of each pot with coco loco as the grow medium. Water every 4-5 days and we will veg for the recommended 2 months while topping the plants.

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  3. Two short and bushy and the middle will be topped first I’m sure.. waiting for more branches as I will cut 2 more layers off from the bottom.

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  4. RIP !!! I killed them. I over watered and suffocated them. 5 weeks of work but learn a lot. I’ve grown around 600 plants and have killed at least half ( in my early years mostly) so I have great source of “what not to do” pages in my notebook... and this will just add another chapter lol. Look how droopy bottom leave and how curley the top leaves are. Over watering cause growth stunt. I noticed the plants not getting bigger at all for 2 weeks! Instead of trying to save them and risk a bad harvest I will cut my loss and start over. This time using my soil moister tester like I’m supposed to. ‍♂️ IMG_0807.JPG

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