Hello all fellow Gardeners! I am kinda new to this, I grew 2 years ago but I have forgotten alot. I have a 4x4x7 tent in my basement. I have 600w MH light for veg. I have a 6" inline fan with a carbon filter. I keep the temperature at 75 and my humidity at 60%. I know I'm using the wrong media. Miracle Grow potting soil. I am using R/O water and I am not feeding it any nutes until I change the media next week, busy. But my problem is, the plant has not grown a centimeter in 2 weeks and is yellowing badly and fastly. I know I'm not providing much information but that's all I can think of. I have come to the conclusion that this plant is near death but if I can save her, I'd love too. It's Sour Diesel #2 btw... Thank you in advance for any help. Sorry for the noob post, I've read a lot and there's a lot of info on here. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
That MG is no good for the Cannibis, never used it myself though. How old is the plant? Can you take a pic?
I'll put a picture up tonight. I have tried a bit of N but it's seems to have made it worse... Smells great doesn't it!
*****LIKELY**** that little SD#2 baby is getting NUKED by that MG... and flushing will release more of the MG fert into the medium... not good.... I would remove from the planter and keep dunking the medium in water until you have nothing but roots left (removing all medium) and replant in a better medium and keep your fingers crossed... (high risk but I have done it with success for my friends who have had the same stich with MG soil) or just merc it and start fresh! though it seems as though you want to save her, so give it a shot! good luck
Sounds like either over watering, or the soil is compacted and choking off the roots. Welcome to the joys of miracle grow.
[quote name="L337Yak" post="19458945" timestamp="1391453825"]*****LIKELY****that little SD#2 baby is getting NUKED by that MG... and flushing will release more of the MG fert into the medium...not good....I would remove from the planter and keep dunking the medium in water until you have nothing but roots left (removing all medium) and replant in a better medium and keep your fingers crossed... (high risk but I have done it with success for my friends who have had the same stich with MG soil)or just merc it and start fresh! though it seems as though you want to save her, so give it a shot!good luck[/quote]Thanks! Actually, what you said makes a lot of sense. Tonight, I am going to get the correct media and change it up. Yea,I'd like to save her but I'm either way with her. I've got 5 clones coming Thursday and I will be using the correct media. I was told and I have read that I should get Soilless #4 with 40% perlite added.. Make sense?. Kitties are so nice.
[quote name="gardnerthegardener" post="19457860" timestamp="1391438283"]That MG is no good for the Cannibis, never used it myself though. How old is the plant? Can you take a pic?[/quote]I'll put a pic up tonight. Thanks in advance guys! Kitties are so nice.
As you can see in the picture, it's yellowing badly but yet has new growth... Ugh.... Kitties are so nice.
[quote name="L337Yak" post="19458945" timestamp="1391453825"]*****LIKELY****that little SD#2 baby is getting NUKED by that MG... and flushing will release more of the MG fert into the medium...not good....I would remove from the planter and keep dunking the medium in water until you have nothing but roots left (removing all medium) and replant in a better medium and keep your fingers crossed... (high risk but I have done it with success for my friends who have had the same stich with MG soil)or just merc it and start fresh! though it seems as though you want to save her, so give it a shot!good luck[/quote]Pics are up. Thanks! Kitties are so nice.
soilless is nice since you don't have to wonder about whats in it... what you give is what you get I have fallen in love with Coco, though Ive use perlite/verm perl/peat and the sames with worm poop(EWC) but coco is by far my fave (with perlite added of course)