Kinda Curious to know...

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by Daft Funk, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Who was the very first member of Grasscity? :confused:
  2. Well, probably superjoint, I'd imagine. Since he's the owner of the site and all. :p
  3. If i know correct , initial installation was done via a separate admin account but then the account has been deleted as it was not needed.
  4. [quote name='"gnik drazil"']If i know correct , initial installation was done via a separate admin account but then the account has been deleted as it was not needed.[/quote]

    I wonder what the name was. It should have been saved for historical purposes lol
  5. It was prolly just 'admin' but that's boring. Superjoint sounds cool.
  6. Es muy interesante no?

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