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Kinda Broke T-Break

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PalmPrePerson, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Well here is the short story.

    I was on a forced T-break. ( Out of cash )

    That started on Jan 4th 2011. I was without any from that night till the 27th. On the 27th I remembered that I had made some weed oil from my old vaped leftovers.

    So I went ahead and drank it down. Well I forgot that I ran out of containers and I had 9 grams of vaped weed in the oil. They say that like 3 grams of vaped weed is like 1 gram of reg weed. So I took down without realizing it like 3 grams of weed oil. I did this at around 1:30 AM

    Well about 45 min later I was feeling it, 2 hours in I started to get really bad, I couldn't even get off my bed. ( I wont even go into explaining it because it makes me freak even thinking about my experience. ) I ended up vomiting a shit load and pretty much got it all over me, my bed, etc till I could move. I woke up at 11 AM the next day, with a really bad "hangover" any my eyes were still bloodshot. I could feel it, but not nearly as bad as the night before. I mean I thank the lord I vomited, I cant imagine if I would of kept it all down.

    The question I guess here is, am I pretty much back at step one when it comes in regards to tolerance? And does eating it take longer to get out of the system than smoking/vaping it?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. Prolly the way you drunk it produced a high like that. Drinking vape oil sounds nasty but you also probably had to much. Your smoking tolerance is prolly the same but your tolerance for eating it might be different
  3. I mean the main thing is all of the receptors, etc. Whether you got fucked up or just buzzed, I don't think it'll matter in terms of impact on your tolerance. Just tack on a day or two at the end of your t-break if you feel like it'll make a difference.
  4. You think someone could die if they drank like 50 grams of that? That would be the first way i could think of to die from it :(
  5. No they wouldn't, wtf.. They'd be fucking fine

  6. idk man dude said he was puking im sure if you drank enough of it you could probably do some damage to your intestines or something.

  7. Im lucky I was able to at least sit up, I could of really imagined myself drowning in my own vomit. I mean it was horrible. Words cant describe it.

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