are you kidding me? this fight is all about money. ken shamrock should be ashamed of himself. he is too old and hes only doing this for money. now if he looks bad to the likes of someone like kimbo then all that does is blow kimbo up even more. Kimbo could actually beat shamrock at his age. the power of kimbo is no joke but a prime shamrock would have this won in under a minute. after sayin that. IM DEF WATCHIN!!!!! hahahha
Remember when Ken Shamrock was in the WWF? The good old days. He did an ankle lock has his signature move lol.
This looks like it could be bad for Shamrock. He hasn't won a fight since 2004 and they've all been knockouts from strikes in the first round. While it would be cool to see him take out Kimbo I don't think its gonna happen... I'm gonna go ahead and say TKO first round.