killumin aniti and fuck this devil shit

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Buzzwell420, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. #21 tokinbud420, Nov 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2011
    Banking History Timeline - Follow the Money | Thrive before you Discredit this website because it's a "conspiracy website" take into account that the man who runs the site, Foster Gamble, spent his lifetime researching the subjects listed on that website. and he cites all his sources..

    is the federalreserve website, bbc news, and nytimes credible enough sources for you, messiah? By the way, this isn't Theory, it's cold hard fucking fact.
  2. that little :devious: face bares the same sneer as your avatar

  3. [​IMG]

  4. Haha happens to the best of us. :laughing:
  5. If you want to blame anyone for making this type of imagery fashionable then blame Shepherd Fairy, not Lil Wayne. He is the one who re-popularized all of these symbols, with his "Obey" campaign....which was created simply to explore the way that fashion memes work. It was quite successful. That's why you now see celebrities (as well as every-other-fucking-teenager-in-every-mall-in-america) wearing all of these symbols.

    Or....ya know ITS SATAN INCARNATE AND WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE N SHIT. Whichever one makes more sense to you. :rolleyes:
  6. whatever you say Satan's Messenge--I mean Meursault

    I dont think you looked deep enough into the origin of it all...
  7. my favorite part is how no one can spell hairy
  8. any ways

    this thread is lame

    praise the lord!
  9. there's no such thing as "god and devil" someone misspelled "good and evil"

  10. homonyms can be tricky when you're high :smoke:

  11. you brush it off like its nothing like "oh lil wayne who cares?" maybe you dont listen to him or all these other "artists" but you are forgetting how much influence they really have especially on the youth. wordsand symbols are powerful

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