Killed My Wifes Digicam

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by smokymtn, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. My dog & I went for a short hike today, took my wife's Sony digicam.  When I leaned over a steep drop on the mountain to check out the view, the damn thing slid out of my shirt pocket.  It bounced off the rocks a couple of times & I saw it shedding pieces as it disappeared to the bottom.
    No way I'm telling her about it.  I know what she will say.  That's the 3rd camera in 2 years that you have destroyed!
    I ordered a replacement of the same model with express shipping.
    Not the 1st time Amazon has saved me from the old yakitty-yak attack.

  2. lmao, if only you could retrieve the lost cam for its last moments
  3. Lol will she really not notice?
  4. Lol that's awesome

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  5. Well done haha
  6. If she does, its all your fault! ;)
  7. Will Amazon replace the stored pictures too?
  8. Real-life-stories has been getting pretty wild lately
  9. #9 Old School Smoker, Nov 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2014
    I'd like to see a slow mo vid of that. And your voice slowed down while you say "ooooooooooohhhh  sshhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt" as you watch it busting up into a million pieces as it cascades to the bottom of the abyss
  10. We went to Nashville & I thought the camera would be here when we got home today but, hell no.
    Making me wait until Monday.
    Express shipping sucks.
  11. Sorry bout the camera, and yeah, the mail system can SMD, Slow, and long. 
  12. The camera operation was a total sucess.  When my wife uses the camera again, I am going to say, you sure take good care of your things, that camera still looks as good as new. :D

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