Corporations are making themselves the new religions, entities that outlast people and provide material happiness instead of enlightenment. Instead of focusing on creating a quality product, they focus on creating a 'lifestyle image' associated with the brand, creating sterile culture that provokes the inner most feelings of the consumer in order to manipulate them. Malls have become our new temples and material gain our new devinelyness. All this in order to create an army of loyal consumers, worshiping the culture projected on them through scientific advertising and creating fear of social rejection. Don't buy into it, what really leads to happiness, enlightenment, divinity or whater you want to call it is nothing a coorporation can provide, or even a religion. The only way to achieve this is through love. Love of yourself, love of others and love of the world around you. Instead of 'retail therapy' go out into nature, have a conversation with someone or simply meditate in your own thoughts. Love to all, Sam. Edit: This is the amazing book that inspired this mini rant. I'd HIGHLY advise picking up a copy.
One of my favorite quotes: "All the things that truly matter, beauty, love, creativity, joy and inner peace arise from beyond the mind." - Eckhart Tolle - peace, joy, love, and light
Not to piss on your parade ... as I shall shit on it. But, some people, meaning the majority, prefer to bathe in ignorance not only that but they flaunt it. They can't handle the truth, they cant handle change, day in, day out, same shit, they like it. Why? That's how they were raised. Me, I wasnt raised, I was left aside, literally. That's why I have no connection with my parents, my peers or maya, the great illusion. Am I a lost soul or are they lost, in a sea of delusion? Delusions of superiority, leaving '''subtle''' hints around the house ... fuck you, I said I aint working. Bricking my PS3 [Remember, LA Noire is coming out in a few weeks. ExCiTmEnT], how low can you go? They're psychopaths I tell you. It's like they want me to go outside, return to reality, work,it's like they love me. Now Im all delusional. I just think they need to stop their BS, social shit, be blunt, yes we'll have more wars, but at least we'll know why we're fighting.
How I see it, is that people are retardedly lazy and ignorant. They are not going to break that anytime soon, so I'm going to be as successful and productive to the betterment of man by walking on top of the idiots to get there. They're going to be idiots, use it to gain, and then when you are able to, then you help them.
That's a good pint of view, just be careful not to lose your humanity in the corporate machine along the way.