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kiefed bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by shaveddave, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. i just bought about 6 grams of mids and put it through my grinder. normally i dont smoke mids but this shit was seedless and very green. so i put the ground up on my sifter and sifted the fuck out of it and got a nice amount of kief. im wondering if smoking the kiefed bud would still get me lifted. i could also prob use it for edibles or make is bho or something but just wondering because if you took all the thc off of dank and off of mids wouldnt they both be just plant?
  2. Smoking kief will send you to the clouds
  3. I kief mids all the time, it doesnt take ALL the THC off, just the loose trichomes. The kiefed bud still has THC, so it still gets me high.
  4. what if there is no thc at all and just green plant material? ik smoking kief get you high i have plently of expierence with that :smoking:

  5. It's still weed, it will still get you high.
  6. there's keif on in the leaves etc ya know?

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