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Kief? Shelflife?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Ehren, Oct 6, 2023.

  1. Does kief degrade over time? I use it to make edibles, and a friend says he isn’t feeling my latest batch. I used some decarboxylated kief that is about 7 months old?

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  2. Better to decarb right before using. Yes, kief degrades over time, oxidation converts the THC to CBN. Even if stored ideally, time WILL degrade the product.
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  3. I've used some that was a year old, no issues..
  4. Guess i’ll be making him a new batch! Thanks

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  5. I like to freeze mine, keep it dry as possible can last over a year or two
  6. The degradation rate is the same as buds 10 to 15% per year according to the web and what I've always been told. However, take it all with a grain of salt until you test it yourself. I've got dry ice Kief over a year old and Capsules made from the same over 3 years old with no change and damn sure no drop in strength.
    If you get stoned smoking it you'll get cranked as edibles.
    Add 20% lecithin to dial up the strength.
    Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes
    5 grams decarbed Hash-Kief
    1 tablespoon Coconut oil
    1 teaspoon liquid lecithin
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes. Fills 30 #0 Capsules at 65mg.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Thanks but this kief was already decarboxylated 7 months ago. I have a similar recipe but I use the same decarb method you do. Use 12.75 grams of kief infuse into coconut oil at 230 for 2-2.5 hours. Strain the oil, pour into pan mix some mold inhibitor and sunflower lecithin and whisk at low-medium heat until combined and add a whole packet of Knox plain gelatin and 2 packets of Starburst gelatin. Fits exactly into my 2 molds of 252 gummies. I used to use grinded up weed but it’s difficult to get the mg high enough

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  8. I’ll start doing that with my regular kief, thanks

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  9. Decarbed has the same shelf life as raw buds in the jar. I've got decarbed Kief I use for mini shooters with a eyedropper or 2 of 190 proof for when I'd like a pick-me-up but can't fire the pipe. Since I don't use it all that frequently that jar is getting quite old but still hasn't lost any of its authority.
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  10. Thanks, for the sake for a customer of mine i’d rather take the L here. Give them a fresh batch of goodies. Thanks for all replies!

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