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Kief, how long to get a gram?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by -Jon, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. How much weed[mid] would you roughly have to grind up in a grinder to get a gram of keif and can someone post a photo of what a gram of kief looks like?
  2. 1 gram?

    Probably only 2 grams of bud for 1 gram of kief if you have my connects.
  3. LOL? i dont know alot about kief but i know that isnt right..
    • Like Like x 1
  4. rofl. Can you imagine what that would look like? Nice bragging skills though
  5. so your bud is 50% keif. BULLSHIT. i have had the same grinder for over a year. i have maybe 2 grams. but i don't really know because i have never weighed it. it takes a pretty long time to collect. unless you are shaking it or something else damaging to the smoke of the product.
  6. lol hahaha yeah fucking right now way a gram of your tree is a half gram a kief already.
  7. #7 eskimopaperboy, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    lol didn't read you said something about how much weed with mids :p

    no clue lol i run 1/4 of dank through it or more a week so more than that of mids? dunno
  8. So to answer my question how much weed?
  9. a lot? really depends on quality.
  10. Yea dude get a pollen box that will work the best...but if youre using mids its going to take longer because there is obviously less kief
  11. Rough guess someone? half ounce of mids?
  12. There is no exact answer to how much weed it will take to get a gram.

    The more trichromes (crystals) on the bud, the more keif will come out of it.

    I have also noticed that well cured bud tends to make more keif than bud that is on the fresher side.

    You say that you are using high mids, so i think you may have to run between 1/4 and 1/2 ounce to get a g, but that's just a guesstimate.
  13. Ok so what would a gram of keif look like? i dont like using google images for this type of measurment
  14. A quarter of top shelf bud should give you around a gram. Can't really day for mids because there are different quality of mids. You also need a four part grinder to collect kief
  15. #15 Gumbo, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    It really depends on a couple factors. The quality of the herb, what kind of grinder you're using, whether or not you force more through (more plant matter, less pure) if you're using a box, etc.

    Why exactly do you need to know how to get 1.0g of keif anyway?

  16. It would look like this much..."O".... come on dude is that a serious question?
  17. depends on how your seperating your crystals. I prefer to smoke my bud with the crystals on it.
  18. Im getting a screened grinder for the first time, and i want to know because when i get a gram of kief im smoking keif for the first time.
  19. it takes roughly ten grams of trim to make a gram of hash. Using buds ground up I'm sure that would be a smaller number. Collecting the trichs in a grinder just from grinding buds is gonna take a while.
  20. Yeah it is, do you have a problem with that?

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