Kid PWNED a misinformation web page

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Bunnyrabbitz, Aug 12, 2010.


    I've been smoking pot for about a year and a half now. Before I started, I was getting F's in all my classes, and was constantly frustrated and near. Today, I'm making straight A's and my paintings and writings have improved. Why can't marijuana be legalized? It's a drug, like alcohol and Ritalin. It's only a "gateway" drug if an individual allows it to be.

    You’re right about many things you have written -- marijuana is a drug just as alcohol and Ritalin are drugs. They all alter brain function, but probably in different ways. You are also correct, that marijuana is called a “gateway” drug because people who use other drugs (such as cocaine, heroin, speed) often start with marijuana. As you know, not everyone who uses marijuana graduates to other drugs. Also you’re right that it can cause serious brain problems when “abused.” The reasons that marijuana is not legalized are complicated. There are limited amounts of scientific data to help us understand why some people use mind-altering drugs and don’t have problems and others get into serious trouble, and there are strong emotions on both sides of this issue. Of course I don’t have an explanation for why your grades improved. You don’t say how much and how often you use marijuana. But the way you describe your feelings makes it sound like there was a great deal of anxiety related to performance (writing and art). Marijuana may simply have helped decrease your anxiety so that it didn’t get in the way. If so, there are other ways to deal with anxiety. If you’re interested you might give your doctor a call and ask about cognitive behavioral counseling. It works and it won’t get you into trouble.


    They spewed so much shit I gave up hope searching web page then found this and they had to admit that it wasn't so bad.

  2. If i received that as an answer, i would print it out with non toxic ink, i would cut that section out, and video tape myself rolling it into a joint, then smoking it, and then being completely like damn shit is ALTERED!!!!!!

  3. lol I know right? I've done that to a couple of friends who don't smoke but make jokes, ripped a bong in front of them and they were shocked.. SHOCKED... that I acted like a NORMAL person for the next 2 hours... fucking craaazy man !


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