kicking methadone/heroin.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by reddot05, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. hello to all. i want to spread my knowelege about opiate addiction to anyone who needs help,(espically those enslaved by a methadone clinic who want free) that is the reason for this post. first a littlt about myself..i have suffered from a severe opiate addiction for the past seven years, 150 mg methadone a day. i have only missed 1 dose in the past 4 years. as i write this i am 16 days cold turkey from all opiates. you guys that know what opiate addiction is like know how severe this is(or should be). i have personally spent several hundred hours researching treatment for opiate adiction, and my wife and i are both medical professionals, she has a bachelors in nursing (RN) and is also only 4 semesters or so from completeing her pharm d ( doctor of pharmacy), and ive ben a working EMT for years, so beteween the the two of us we have a good understanding of the current drugs and detox methods being used. methadone clinics are basically privatey owned legal dope houses. obviously they have no intrest in helping getting you off of the dope beacuse of the money they make(130-160k a month for approx 300 patients at the clinic i went to) unless you take more than 200mg or so a day THERE IS NO RESON TO TITRATE YOUR DOSE DOWN , it will only prolong your suffering and keep you showing up at the clinic every morning. if you go cold turkey, there are drugs that are not hazardous and have NO potiential for addiction that are absolutley wonderful for treating withdrawl symptoms. but dont think for a second your going to get them from the doc at the clinic. it is truley amazing to me the standard medical establishment knows so little about this disease. it is truley amazing, but i have kicked this habit with only minimal to moderate discomfort. anyone with more specific questions just send me a message... im running out of time,ill try to post more later.
  2. So your saying these methadone clinics give people heroin?
  3. have u thought about suboxone? my dad has been a methadone addict for a while and so far this stuff is working good for him
  4. the addiction clinics in this country use methadone and suboxone/subutex , not heroin. suboxone can be extremely dangerous for an opiate addict. suboxone contains buepreorphine and naloxone, which both will bind to the opiate receptors and completely displace the opiates in the addicts body...causing severe chemically induced precipitated withdrawl that is irreverseable. i found out the hard way. as a medical professional i should have known better but in my everlasting quest to get high i took 8mg subutex without knowing what it was one morning after dosing 150mg methadone as a had been for years.. within 45 min i began having seizures and convulsions. if my wife was not with me i would have died. beacuse we both work in the medical field, i did not go to the hospital. i was actively seizing and convulsing for 10-12 hrs. words cannot describe this pain. pure unadulterated AGONY. about 6 hrs into this i aquired 280 mg of morphine, crushed it up and took the entire dose at once. it had absolutely zero effect. TO ALL OPIATE ADDICTS..IF YOU ARE ON ONE OF THE OPIATE AGONIST DRUGS IE..METHADONE ,HEROIN,MORPHINE, OXY..ETC AND TAKE SUBOXONE/SUBTEX WITHOUT DETOXING PROPERLY FIRST.... IT CAN KILL YOU. gotta go....more later
  5. i dont understand the concept of fighting opiate addiction with opiates. doesn't really make sense to me :confused:
  6. For a "medical professional" all you've evidenced in your posts, both the one below and the one concerning Suboxone, is an axe to grind against methadone clinics and your own stupidity in drug seeking. Your information about walking away from methadone doses as high as 150mg is both irresponsible and has the likelihood of putting any errant souls who would listen to your dribble at risk for death. Your information is faulty and dangerous and any in this situation would be better served by researching futher the subject at hand. An EMT addict who tries to garner influence by invoking the "expertise" of his wife is to be considered suspect at best. Listening to him will cause nothing but suffering and maybe death. His is the voice of stupidity as any examination of relevant research would attest. BEWARE of his words and advice. They are NOT based on knowledge or expertise of any kind.
    Kind regards,
    J.R. Neuberger
    National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery
    (a patient advocacy organization with chapters across the US and affiliates in over 20 foreign countries)


  7. wtf =d

  8. You can use methadone to ween yourself off the drug a little at a time.
    I did oxys for 3 years and went cold turkey.
    fuck the clinics and suboxine.
  9. suboxones bro. kinda like methadone just not quite as evil.

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