
Discussion in 'General' started by Rawks, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Do you think there's doctors out there that hand out more medical cards than they need to because they get kickbacks from dispensaries? Sounds like a conspiracy to me lol.
  2. I doubt they get kickbacks that's pretty sketchy.
    Even if they did, everybody wins so who cares :p

  3. I dunno, I guess if it was like, "Oh you have a lung infection? Go smoke some pot!"
  4. In California I know for a fact that MD's are not allowed to have ANY ties to any dispensary whatsoever. If they are getting kickbacks from a club then they stand to lose their license to practice and have criminal charges filed against them.

    That said, yes I do believe that it happens all the time. It's unethical and illegal, and any doctor that does that should be reported to the California State Licensing Board.

  5. Then I'm not crazy. Excellent.

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