a fuckin' genius! I've seen all his movies many times other than, "Chasing Amy." Never seen it til just now. Probably his best flick ever. I once had a relationship EXACTLY like holden's. Except she wasn't a lesbian. Wow, trippy shit. Really hit home with me. Bravo, good sir! Bravo! Edit - Was anyone else really annoyed by Affleck's goatee? It was one sided. It ruined the movie! RUINED IT! ...or maybe I'm overreacting. I am.
Oh yea...but I didn't want to have a threesome with my best friend. Just the first half when his chick dropped the bomb on him. *whew...*
Alright, I'll be back soon enough. I needs to go make sweet, sweet lovin' to my girl and tell her I love her. I be inspired! Also, she's so damn hot in her tank top...
yeah chasing amy was a good movie. i remember the first time i saw it and silent bob did his little speech on chasing amy. my heart sank because i was dating this girl and she started telling me about her life experiences (i was rather innocent at the time). i just couldn't handle it and i stopped talking to her. she's still to this day (3 years later) the girl that i've felt closest to.
Yeah man, Kevin Smith is a legend. However, if you want to cry read about Jason Mewes life story. That shit is soooo sad...a perfect advert for why never to use heroin
Clerks 2: <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/dJa3_tbwYTk"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/dJa3_tbwYTk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
I heard about that. Wasn't his mom really abusive that pushed him into heroin use? I don't know all of the details
Heh! I actually saw Clerks II last month at Kevin's Vulgarthon film festival and he had indeed knocked it out of the park - it's probably the funniest thing he has ever done and it has all the heart of Chasing Amy (maybe even more!). I actually think the trailers that are out there don't do it justice because they've managed to keep most of the actual storyline secret so far - so I won't ruin anything but you guys should love it!