Ketamine and PCP question

Discussion in 'General' started by stoned_soldier, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. I know that Ketamine and PCP are related, but are they the exact same thing, and how is it that they are?

    I was reading in a book of drugs and drug abuse about them (PCP and K are in different sections of the book) b/c for the past week I've been curious about angel dust ('k') and my buddy can get some for us to do. He's done it before but I havn't. I've actually been thinking about it since like 2004 but it was never serious ever.

    And for those who have tried angel dust, what are your thoughts on it?
  2. They aren't the same thing, they're both dissociatives and they're both arylcyclohexylamines.

    Also, angel dust, atleast here, is a term for PCP, not k.

  3. Yah same here
  4. I've tried both. Feeling invincible sounds like a great thing but you end up doing VERY STUPID THINGS

    Ketamine wasn't so bad but during my last (ever) PCP trip I punched a tree till my knuckles bled, almost broke my neck doing impossible leaps, and ASSAULTED A POLICE OFFICER. You don't know me, but I'm a very laid-back, unaggressive person normaly.

    Lucky for me the people I was with did even worse things and were hauled off by the cops instead. I had to be dragged away from the scene by some sober friends to avoid being arrested by the backup that arrived a few minutes later.

    If you think that people do stupid things when they're drunk it is NOTHING compared to the effects of PCP. Even if you're a normal, balanced person you can be transformed into a raging maniac on that shit.

    I don't advise trying either of them. You can also seriously fuck up your brain after extended use.
  5. I'm agreeing with Andy on this one. Any mixture containing embalming fluid and elephant tranqualizer can't be too good for you.
  6. Ketamine and PCP are completely different
  7. AndyPL: thanks, I was not going to try it since I remembered my promise to myself that I wouldn't even touch powders.. I heard a story from a street person in downtown Toronto that his buddy believed he could walk through walls and was knocked out trying.. he also said that having that guy with him was good if things got rough cuz he had no feeling in his face anymore from all that dust usage..

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