Ah yes, more dollars to line the pockets of corrupt Palestinian officials, while the Palestinian public is forced to live in perpetual poverty. Is it any surprise Arafat became a billionaire, while the Palestinians suffered?
Same problem in Afghanistan with Karzai. Taxpayers money is wasted propping up a corrupt regime while the people live in poverty.
So the warmonger Blair is in charge of this ? This will never happen. There will be no investment in Palestine. Kerry is just another NeoCon spouting bullshit and hot air in an attempt to appear to be interested in peace. The US government has armed Israel to the teeth, backs Israel at all costs even voting against Palestinian statehood at the UN and then expects people to swallow this shit ? The people of Palestine are not stupid. They know from experience that the US government is no friend of theirs. While Abbas might be prepared to be paraded like a show pony in front of the cameras, the dogs on the street will see this for what it is.
Same problem in Israel. We piss away billions of dollars on them so Netanyahoooo can continue is American backed fear and warmongering against Iran and anyone else Americas government tells him to.
Im tired of my "representatives" stealing money from my community and sending to terrorists Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Really? Israeli leaders receive billions in aid and keep it to themselves while the public lives in poverty?
So because Israel pisses their welfare check down the drain and wastes my money in a different way than Palestine makes it all better. You are a real piece of work man. Get off of Israels dick for a second and see how ridiculous you look to everyone here except Dima.
Are you serious or just taking a piss as you usually do? The fact that you try to divert the fact that Palestinian politicians are corrupt by bringing Israel into this discussion goes to show your bias.
I'm not bias towards either one. Just evening out your extreme bias and hatred. Get a life man, I really pity you if your entire life is wrapped up in the conflict of a country you don't even live in. It's getting to be and old joke at this point to everyone but you.
You don't enjoy debating anything. All you enjoy is posting hate mongering racist threads against anyone of Palestinian origin. I'm sure you will be glad to know that I have had it with your useless posts and racist crap and am putting you on my ignore list so I don't have to see anymore of your one sided bigotry and you won't have to see me calling you out for it. Good riddance sir!
Criticizing the Palestinian gov. for corruption is not racist.... It's unfortunate you had to get so worked up over my threads, but oh well...
Criticizing the Palestinian gov. for corruption is not racist.... It's unfortunate you had to get so worked up over my threads, but oh well... </blockquote> Focusing on corruption on one side while turning a blind eye to the other is pretty close to racism. Your basically saying it's OK for one side to be bad but not the other Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
If Israeli leaders were pocketing billions of dollars while the Israeli public lived in misery, then you might have a point.....
If Israeli leaders were pocketing billions of dollars while the Israeli public lived in misery, then you might have a point..... </blockquote> So only that is considered wrong? No other bad things are bad? Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
If Israeli leaders were pocketing billions of dollars while the Israeli public lived in misery, then you might have a point..... </blockquote> So only that is considered wrong? No other bad things are bad? Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app </p></blockquote> It's not bad if Israel does it. They can do no wrong.