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Kellogg organic plus fish and kelp fertilizer with molasses?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Oldschool OG Kushman, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. #1 Oldschool OG Kushman, Apr 13, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
    Has anyone tried this kelloggs brand of fertilizer and would it be okay to use during veg cycles. The bottle states, derived from: Reduced sugar molasses, acidulated fish solubles, stabilized with phosporic acid, kelp extract and sulfate of potash. NPK 2-2-2. I just want to make sure the molasses is the right kind mainly.
  2. Go to the nearest food supply store for farmers and get a bag of kelp meal. Skip the fish. Kelp is all ya will need. If you wanna bump it up order some neem, malted barley, coconut and aloe water powders:)
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  3. #3 Oldschool OG Kushman, Apr 14, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
    I already bought the Kelloggs and ive read that fish can be very good for plants. Has anyone ever used coconut oil(for cooking) and made coconut water? Seems like a cheaper way to make cocunut water
  4. i think it wont hurt anything, will it be enough to sustain a plants growth up to harvest? i doubt it.
    before i made my own organic soil i used neptunes harvest fish and kelp fertilizer with coco coir base. i cant even begin to compare the results between the two. needless to say, the bottle of fish fertilizer has been collecting dust ever since.
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  5. I was just asking if it was safe since I always see unsulphered molasses used all the time in grows. The bottle states reduced sugar molasses so just wanted to know if this was the right type of molasses. I would never just use this for a blooming cycle. Im a cannabis nerd and this is my first all organic's so I will always come to the forums and ask before using something if I havent seen it used before in a grow. :thankyou:
  6. Do you know of a product that has all or most of these ingredients packed into one bottle?
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  7. Kelp meal. Just kelp meal. Thatll turn you on and youll order the other stuff:)
  8. Any reason you dont like the fish fertz(besides the smell)?
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  9. Never said i dont like it just its not necessary:) kelp has all the macro and micro nutrients plus trace elements that fish does. They do come from the same place
  10. kelp meal is great, but what you really want is high quality compost in your soil.
    go visit the no-till thread, you can learn about true organic gardening using humus rich soil that you can use over and over again with amazing results and never have to buy nutes again.

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  11. Hi OSOGK. Welcome to GCO.

    A fish fertilizer won't hurt anything and will only add some nutrition when you water, IMO.

    Most of the folks around here make their own souls from scratch which is very different than using a bagged Kellogs soil. Since you're using the Kellogs soil it definitely won't hurt to water in a fish product.

    That said, the guys were very right regarding Kelp Meal. When they say "kelp", that's what they're referring to - dried, ground up kelp seaweed, ie: "meal". Don't go thinking that a liquid kelp product is the same because it simply isn't and not even by a long shot. You'll also notice that most of the organic gardeners here just don't use much in the way of bottles. That's what we're trying to get away from.

    Kelp meal not only contains all the macro and micro nutrients but just as and probably more importantly it contains plant growth hormones.

    I'd suggest grabbing yourself a little 5 pound sack of kelp meal at the garden store. I believe that Epsoma and Dr Earth companies sell small bags. Mix some handfuls generously into each pot.

    You may want to also think about finding yourself some really nice compost and mixing a mess in with the Kellogs soil - for best results. All of our homemade soils here are based on compost and Vermicompost (worm castings). Just make sure to allow for the potential need to add a little extra aeration depending on how dense and thick the compost is. You definitely need to make sure the soil drains well.

    Compost, kelp meal and a well draining soil equal very happy plants.

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  12. The fish and kelp fertilizer with molasses is kelloggs brand not the soil im using(Ive heard horrible things about kelloggs soil). Im using Foxfarms ocean forest with some extra vermiculite, blood meal and plant tone for the early veg stages until transplant. What would you guys suggest as to how much vermiculite I should add to 5 gallons of FF oceans? I was thinking around 10-20% since Foxfarms oceans states its already in the soil but I figure the more the better its just so damn expensive.
  13. what purpose do you want to add it for?
  14. "how much vermiculite I should add"

    Re: vermiculite - None. Vermiculite is not an aeration tool - it holds water.

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  15. I figure the more the better. Id really like to know what percentage of verm FF oceans has in it. Off to their website I go.
  16. Vermiculite holds water and has a pretty nice CEC. I don't mind it, but just don't use it instead of an aeration amendment like perlite, pumice, etc.
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  17. I'm thinking they probably won't tell you if its quality or not... Lol

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  18. Yes many use coconut oil for cooking but that is completely different then coconut water. I am not sure what you mean when you say make coconut water from the oil?

    Coconut water is the the liquid inside a fresh coconut. Coconut oil is made from the meat inside the coconut shell.
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  19. So there is no way to make cococnut water by mixing coconut oil and water then boiling or something along those lines?
  20. A blade's all to true Freudian slip.... Life is what you make it. Manifest your reality however you see fit.
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