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keif in a joint/blunt?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dakid91, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Looking to buy a space case grinder and Ive seen many of you recommend 4 piece grinder since you can collect the kief and smoke it later. I dont own a bowl so I wanted to know if I would be able to mix the kief with some weed and smoke it out a joint/blunt?
  2. you can sprinkle some delicious keif on anything man :smoke:
  3. You can but from what ive noticed itll run unless you mix the kief in with the weed pretty good.
  4. so you guys think I would be better off saving my money and getting a 2 piece instead of a 4 since it won't smoke good in a joint?
  5. Fuck no man get the kief catcher, you don't necessarily have to keif your buds so the 2 piece effect will still work, and then you can get a pollen press and make some hash!

    edit and none of your friends have a bong or bowl?
  6. Rail it!!!
  7. Just sprinkle it on that bitch. Like you sprinkle sugar on cornflakes. Or salt on fries. Sprinkle, Hoe!

    Or sprinkles on cupcakes, you get the idea. Sprinkle.
  8. 4 piece for FTW
  9. no bowls or bong. Whoa after lookin at the price of the 4 piece space case I think ill go with a chromium crusher
  10. I switched from the $$ SpaceCase to the Chromium Crusher..

    Excellent choice. While the ratios of space in the 3 compartments isn't as optimal as the Space case ( Kief:Collection:Grinder SC=1:3:2 CC=2:2:2) The durability is awesome, the weight feels nice in my hands compared to the aluminum. the kief screens are usually tight (got 1 out of 4 that was slightly loose) and strong. Easy to clean, hard to scratch.

    As far as Kief in a blunt, totally works, is awesome.

    The way I have used my grinder in the past is by collecting kief from everything I smoke, I lower the potency of my "daily" routines. Then, when I felt like getting really baked, I could mix my kief with some killer herb and make some super buds. .

    In the MMJ industry, this is becoming known as "Caviar" and is being marketed to the MMCenters. Sometimes it's also coated in BHO before being rolled in kief.

    a 4 pc grinder give you better control of the potency of your weed. You can separate out some of the trichs, and the "budget" them back in, to keep your tolerance lower or to simply conserve on weed near the end of the bag.

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