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keif box questions

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by tylerolli, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. i just picked up a keif box (i've heard them called wicca box's too) from my local headshop. I was just wondering if my bud will dry up in there over time or not. If it does I have some 420 jars i can transfer it to. Just wanted to know the city's thoughts on this.
  2. Just keep your bud in your jars and when you are ready to smoke just break up the bud over the box and collect some kief!!
  3. Your bud will dry a little if it sits in a kief box, but this should make it so more kief will fall off! :smoke:
  4. question for OP is it smell proof?
  5. No they are not
  6. If theres airflow then it should get dryer.

    Would it cure in there, im not sure.
  7. yeah it dries it out a little but i usually keep my stash in a 420 jar and only take out what i plan on smoking that day and put in in the kief box

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