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keeping your weed fresh

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by blazehaze221, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. so its been awhile since ive posted and i guess i want to know what is the best air tight place to store it? how long can you make it last?


  2. Pill bottle for ghetto and a mason jar for the unlazy, I don't know how well a Mason Jar works but I would have to imagine it works real well if so many people reccomend them, usually with my pill bottle my bud will be fresh until its gone
  3. alright i will try the pill bottle alot of those are lying around. how long can you usually keep it until it goes bad?i usually buy a quarter each time and finish it within a few days so i dont know.
  4. If you're finishing your weed within a week or two you should be perfectly fine.
  5. Pill bottles are not great for storing weed, this may keep it fresh for a week or. You can go buy a mason jar at walmart for cheap. This will store it up to 6 months.
  6. For large quantities I put it in a zip lock bag with a piece of semi-wet paper towel.
    Personal stash I put in a zip lock bag with a piece of fresh lettuce, then put it in the fridge, or somewhere cold.

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