Just purchased my first real high end piece the SG stem 8. I want to keep this clean foreverrrrrrr and no wear on label and such. SO my question if whats the best approached to keep her clean. I dont want an ash-catcher as i feel it has sufficient diffusion and i dont wanna lose more flavor. whats the thought on carbon filters. best cleaning solution? Past ive always done rubbing alc and salt shud this be fine? also best way to clean from oils? thanks for any help u can give.
I love grunge! I use it to clean everything without having to shake it. Its reusable and makes your glass shine!! No salt marks either.
Use a mcfinns carbon filter, and get a bottle of grunge off. The filter should keep the tube clean enough to where all you would have to do is grunge off rinses at the end of the day instead of full soaks. thats what I do and works great.
I've heard a couple blades say that over time iso+salt can leave a haze on the glass from all the little scratches. use simple green, its a cheap alternative and gives a way better looking clean compared to iso+salt.
[quote name='"MASS GLASS420"']I've heard a couple blades say that over time iso+salt can leave a haze on the glass from all the little scratches. use simple green, its a cheap alternative and gives a way better looking clean compared to iso+salt.[/quote] Agreed. I soak my bowls over night every night.
I use a carbon filter daily and when my piece finally does get dirty (many water changes and MANY bowls in) I simple shake some Grunge Off around for a minute inside, pour it back into the bottle, then rinse the glass with hot water. My piece looks brand new about 2 or 3 times a week
I am a big advocate of simple green just because it is cheap and works well, but I would be very careful using it. It will definitely eat away at some labels (like the one on my alex k downstem, whoops). I use it to clean my tubes and bowls and reuse it. When it gets nasty I filter it through a coffee filter. I just use a rubber stopper in the joint of whatever I am cleaning and fill it up overnight. When I wake up I pour the simple green out and the tube is sparkling clean.