I'm going on a senior mammoth trip and I was planning to keep a quad on myself and not on my bag on the way up via bus. what can i do to not let it reek at all also what if they put the heater on lol i suppose i would get into a lot of trouble since i'm the only one of the two of my friends that are over 18 and isn't punking out with carrying the bud.
Im sure they sell some smelly proof bags. If you can't get ahold of those try using 3 baggies or more if u have to, maybe spray the outside of the bag with some cologne? Try some sneak shit but something that works. Also good luck it's a risky operation
Agreed 100%. That is your best bet. Or get a sneak a toke, keep the greenz in a bag that is wrapped in a pretty heavy shit t-shirt that is wrapped in another 2 or 3 heavy duty ziplock bags. Keep in a backpack and your all good
Where would you guess that you would get Turkey Baster bags? Probably the store.. Same with smelly proof bags, headshops have them most of the time. The biggest I have seen might not hold a quad, perhaps 2 of them? Maybe even four if you double smelly proof bag each? Good luck
you could just put it in a bag and then put that in a bag with dryer sheets all around it. works really well
Word. Be careful OP. On my senior trip they searched everyone. Some kids got busted and couldn't walk at graduation. That's why I put xanax in my girlfriends bra
The only way to do this is to make firecrackers dude. I did that on a school trip and it was epic, the highest I've ever been in my life. I'll also note that I personally think its waaaay to risky to plan on bringing a bag and a piece. I don't leave the house with a piece, parphernailia is worse than a possesion charge here. If you must, roll up some J's, and toke exclusively away from the group.
Thank you. In my opinion this would be most worth it because you would get wrecked, and nobody is going to guess that your food is loaded with THC.
well its a trip with only 6 people. 3 of my closest buds and 2 freshman. its a small side trip aside from the main senior trip. we have two teachers frmo our school that is super chill. its a "respect me and you can do whatever you want" kind of thing. and we are going monday- friday which is school for a lot of people so it wont be as packed. so i just need to get the smell away and im all goood.